I have found a very interesting video, about Osteoarthritis, and I should like to share it with you. If you want to watch it, please click on the link below:
Ana Bellón (A Doctor in “La mañana” of TVE): “My Faculty me they said that the best known of the disease is the patient himself -and not without reason ... Always listen to the patient, because it is the best understands what it feels and suffers--…….
Now, you can read: Dr. Ana Bellón. Specialist in Family Medicine. College of Physicians of Madrid.
Ana: “But if it is true that, to prevent osteoarthritis, we are saying, throughout all the program, it is important to make an exercise, soft and maintained, every day; it is important to have good control of our weight; it is important not wearing much heel; relax your legs; when you sit, put your legs up .... Well, they are small things, that, if we do them every day, we will protect our cartilage. And, from the point of view of food, I will say: more blue and less red; What does this mean ?, well, we will remove .... not remove; but we will reduce the consumption of red meat, and yet, we will increase the consumption of oily fish, such as tuna or salmon, which I have on the counter. It is very important, how we are going to cook it, because it is true that blue fish has more fats than white fish; they are healthy fats are unsaturated, rich in Omega3, which has an anti-inflammatory component; but if this tuna, shawl or cold, so, obviously, I shoot much the amount of calories; however, if take it and… look the four drops of oil, that I put on the sheet, --no more is needed--, and we put it on the sheet, the same with the salmon, then, what we are going to get is not increase the number of calories, from food and benefit, one hundred percent, of all the benefits, that they are providing to us. Another important thing is hydration: the food pyramid, against osteoarthritis, in the bottom, which is what you need to consume more, is always hydration, either as water or why not? as liquefied; blender is something, that I love, because, look, it transforms us a carrot on a smoothie rich, that will not only provide water to us, --because, after all, to liquefy is getting all food hydration ....-- I am going to stop now, because, if not, I have to raise much the voice….--;but also, all the nutrients and minerals, that give us vegetables .... So, at breakfast, for example, such a good .... little liquefied carrot; now, yes ... we are losing the fiber; but now, we what want is hydrate us….If we would like to increase fiber intake, we would have to take the chewed carrot; but it is an option..And, also, every day, we have to get a serving of vegetables or fruit; besides, we will choose the ones most inflammatory content; in this case, they are: celery, broccoli, turnip, it is also the carrot. Therefore, we can take breakfast, or at mid-morning taking a liquefied carrot; but, also to use carrot, when salad time or cooking with it. They are spinach and, of course, among the fruits: pineapple and papaya, because it has an anti-inflammatory component ... ,we know that they have enzymes, that facilitate a good digestion of proteins and, in addition, they have an anti-inflammatory component; therefore, also, analgesic. And I want to finish, because Jack have told me that, through Twitter, has come a question, which makes Rodolfo, and it has not left very clear to him... he says that I have spoken of 50 units of pistachio; but if I meant a day, a week or how much. Actually, in the study, they are: 50 pistachios --which are the ration, around 30 grams-- per day; yes: we would have to consider that we have to increase the amount of oil, otherwise would shoot the calories. So, Rodolfo, your question is answered”.
Well, as I said before, I think this video is very interesting, because I think that many people suffer this disease, all over the world.
So, I hope that researchers follow studying about it, in order to help many people.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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