I have found another interesting news, about Alzheimer, that says: “They develop a system for early detection of Alzheimer's by analyzing speech”.
A method for detecting early way Alzheimer, is automatic analysis of spontaneous speech, an intelligent technique noninvasive diagnostic, that Elekin group is developing, at the University of the Basque Country, specializing in biomedical engineering.
The method is based on record of patients, while they tell some own life experience, in a relaxed atmosphere, and to the extent of several parameters, according to the UPV.

For example, they are measured breaks, that makes a patient, when trying to remember the word that it means. Therefore, the technique is performed, without altering or blocking abilities of the patient, because it does not perceive the test as stressful.
The system is not yet used, because it is a technique, in research and development. They are testing to people, who have not developed the disease, those with family history and ill, in collaboration with medical centres.
The aim of this study was to provide tools, to clinical professionals, to make diagnoses, in a much less invasive manner.
Currently, to make a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer, medical tests, neuropsychological tests, neuroimaging, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and blood tests are performed. All these tests, besides being invasive, have a great economic cost.
As explained, by the coordinator of the research group Elekin, Karmele López de Ipiña, the method developed is to "quantify elements or details, that health specialists see, with the naked eye; but, which, having accurate measurement, can help them diagnose pathologies or make a more accurate outpatient follow-up".
"You can even analyze the preclinical phase or people, who have not yet begun to develop the disease", has topped Ipiña.
In the study, are involved, between others, associations of families of Alzheimer's patients, the Universitat of Vic, the TecnoCampus Mataró (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), the Centre for Biomedical Technology (Madrid), the University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria and the CITA-alzheimer, a centre of research and advanced therapies.
Also, the last week, has been known that a biotech, based in Granada (South eastern Spain), has registered a patent, for a method of diagnosing Alzheimer's, through a blood test.
The system, developed by the company Neuron Bio, in collaboration with Spanish hospitals, is based on the identification of a number of biomarkers and can reliably diagnose patients, with Alzheimer, and also anticipate the progress of the disease, before they show signs clinical dementia, according to Sync.
The method uses a blood sample, instead of the current analysis, in cerebrospinal fluid, which involves subjecting the patient to a lumbar puncture and analysis processes and longer evaluation.
Well, I think this advance is so great, because it let patient to suffer less. And, then, patient has more quality of life.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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