Today, I should like to show you a video, where a Spanish Doctor, Ana Bellón, gives us some useful advices, about how to care for our kidneys.
If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
You can read: Foods to avoid kidney problems. TODAY, IN OUR DIET.
Ana Bellón: “……people who have never had a kidney colic, or have never had kidney stones, it is easy to avoid them; how?, drinking ..... Just imagine a pipe, having a little sand, from street ..., if we pour water, that water will drag the sand and not become compacted and will form larger stones, there will not be pieces …., ie sticky messes of sand, in the pipe. Same thing happens in our ureters: if we have nothing of grit, then we drink well; if we have grit, we will remove it and let's prevent these stones from forming. The most frequent cause of calculations is calcium oxalate; therefore, if we have had stones, that stone has been analyzed and we know that stone is calcium oxalate, we have to drink, obviously, those two liters of water, at least; but, we will decant for water, which is rich in bicarbonate and is low in calcium; Why?, well, because what bicarbonate have to do is to make alkaline urine, increases the pH of the urine and that can not be joined grit and not those stones from forming. Therefore: water, high in bicarbonate and low in calcium; but it is also important that, if we drink citrus juices, we will dilute them in water, because, although they are citrus, that seem acids, they also make alcaline urine. If we have calcium oxalate stones, do not may we drink any milk ...?, Yes, we may drink milk, but no more than two glasses, a day; as well as tea or coffee: no more than 2 glasses, including tea and coffee. Protein is also important, because we have to have protein, in our diet; but not more than 150 grams and, if possible, that is chicken, because on that way, it is low in fat. It is important to restrict the consumption of certain vegetables, such as those I have here: chard, spinach and carrots, better no, because they will facilitate the removal of oxalate, through the urine, and, however, what we do is limit the amount of asparagus, lettuce, endive and tomato; Do we can take it?, yes, but in small quantities and not every day, Mariló”.
Well, our kidneys are a very important part of our body; therefore, we have to care for them. So, I think it is very important to follow these advices.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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