I have found a very curious video, that I should like to show you. If you want to watch it, please click on the link below:
Voice in off: “We visited the TECNOVA Centre, in Almería, where are being analyzed the results of the new project, which can be seen, in the same greenhouse, tomatoes and fish production --a project, having, as purpose, that farmers diversify its misuse—“.
Carolina Martínez (Head of the Experimental Centre): “Trying to help farmers improve their profit margin, per unit area, combining two production systems, using the operating, perfectly fine, the NGS (New Growing System) system, with AQUACULTURE”
Eduardo Pardo (Agronomist): “We have used, in a greenhouse, carry out, in the same area, two production systems: firstly, plants and, other, fish; yes, always on the proviso that the production of plants does not see reduced”.
Voice in off: “This new production system, at two levels, provides a wide variety of benefits, for farmers; who have seen it, have been very interested, in this equipment”
Carolina Martinez: “We are interested in seeing how this equipment works, not only for the cultivation of fish species, which is being cultivated, in this project, which is the species "Tench", but for the production of other types of fish, freshwater as it could be the "tilapia" or could be trout or crab”.
Voice in off: “This closed circuit is completely sustainable, thanks to the AQUAPONICS”
Eduardo Pardo: “What AQUAPONICS pretends is, on one hand, the utilization of resources and, on other hand, the synergy of combination of these two production systems”
Voice in off: “The AQUAPONICS with NGS system would suppose a change of habits, for producers”
Carolina Martinez: “Because, it is not possible, in this system of combined production, a foliar treatment, with plant protection products, to combat major diseases and insect pests, that affect these crops”
Ricardo Romero (Voice in off. Editorial office): “The project, co-financed by the European Funds ERDF and the Innovation Office of the Junta de Andalucía, hopes to be a sustainable tool for farmers, by leveraging the infrastructure of their greenhouses, to achieve a profit margin, now limited cause of continuous decreases, in the prices of their crops”
This project seems very curious, because I could never imagine that fish and tomatoes could grow together.
Again, it is showed that, in Spain, --despite the crisis—there are many people, with original ideas and full of illusion.
I hope that you have liked this video too.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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