The famous Altamira Cave (Cantabria, Northern Spain) will open to the public, according to decided by the Board of the National Museum and Research Center of Altamira, on last March 26; but, with certain limitations: there will be one visit, a week, during 37 minutes, under a strict protocol of clothing and lighting and with a travel and residence times, defined for each area of the cave.
The Board has also decided to continue with the random selection of five participants, among people, who are visiting the museum, the day of the visit.
The visit, to the cave, will be every Friday, at 10:40 a.m. Visits will begin next April 17.
If you want to know more about it, please click on the link below:
Voice in off: “Altamira is waiting to reopen the door and welcome, again, to visitors, whom, on an experimental basis and in a controlled manner, have been getting, the last two years ..... The decision of the Board, which oversees the conservation cave and investigates its secrets, has given the nod to the resumption of visits”
Jose Antonio Lasheras (Director Museum Altamira): “The decision of the Board assumes that the impact, almost negligible, with the presence of such persons, is compatible with what is considered proper conservation of Altamira”
Voice in off: “Privileged witnesses of these visits, that they have been doing and to be resumed, the next April 17, are the guides, who describe the thrill of people who enter the cave and contemplate the paintings”
Ángeles Sánchez (Museum of Altamira): “People, trying to make that photograph, in memory, not to forget, because it probably does not have the opportunity to re-enter”
Voice in off: “While the cave is reopened, the Altamira Museum attracts all the attention. It is expected to pass, through its halls, about 2000 people a day, at this time. This exhibition space has become a familiar Museum, where the youngest people has a special and steady importance”
A visitor: “They have to learn from young”
Voice in off: “The Altamira Museum receives over 40,000 schoolchildren, a year, come from all over the world”
Well, I have never been there, but I should like to do it, because I think that it seems to be incredible to preserve those paintings, after thousands years.
I hope that you can come to visit the Cave. Perhaps you should like to tell us your experience, after your visit.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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