I just found a very curious news, that I would like to share with you. This story speaks of "flours of the future". At first, I found a curious invention, that I did not know; but, its only utility, should be to satisfy those, who like to try everything new, extravagant as it may seem. But my surprise came, when I kept reading and found that, the first purpose of this invention, was to help those people, who have difficulty, swallowing, and patients, who are forced to follow a soft diet. I liked the idea and I should like to show you the explanation, given by the director and presenter of the program "A laboratory in my kitchen", on Radio 5 (National Radio of Spain), Javier de la Fuente.
First, I am going to talk you about the “Elaborinas”, that are thought by the chef Firo Vazquez. Can you imagine having, in your pantry, a flour with flavour of Spanish omelette?, or flavoured roasted lamb?, or even, Baking homemade bread made with flour of bean stew from Asturias?. Well, that is already possible. But that is not the best ......!.
According Firo Vázquez --chef of the restaurant “El Olivar”, in Moratalla, Northwest Murcia, eastern Spain. Restaurant founded to show the benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), a raw material Firo called "Sister"--, “the elaborinas are a flour, which comes from a food produced and, therefore, it shall keep organoleptic properties, taste and odor of the original plate".

The restaurant "El Olivar"
So, an elaborina of potato omelette (spanish omelette) is a flour, that we get, from the omelette with onions, ready-made, and which, after a series of scientific-technical processes, we get a flour, that will behave, in kitchen, like a normal flour, to make croquettes, cakes, or whatever ...

"Elaborinas" with differents flavours
But, these flours of flavours are not only a funny thing, but they are the result of years of work, in a laboratory. Specifically, the Department of Food Technology, at the University of Murcia. It is where they developed, together with Firo Vázquez, a process, patented by him, a few months ago, and through which they keep intact all the qualities of food.

The chef Firo Vazquez
But his surprise came, when he noted "that, not only kept the smell and taste, but also kept the nutritional properties of the plate from which".
Thus, the same nutrients, proteins, same vitamins, as the original plate, are maintained. Which has led, to a new scientific breakthrough, for people with swallowing problems or chronic patients, who are forced to follow a soft diet.
"Suddenly, they can retake those foods, that were banned or they had prohibited, by their disabilities and, that creates two ways: first, an emotional and psychological satisfaction, in those patients, where boredom, at lunchtime, is chronic", he says.
In short, flours of future ... and, who knows how many flavours and odors can be created ... Well, who knows it is Firo, by the moment.
I hope that you have liked this project, such as I do.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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