It is estimated that, in Spain, there are over 150,000 Parkinson patients and 10,000 new cases appear, each year. It takes, between one and five years, confirm the disease. But, we have, in Spain, the opportunity to improve the quality of life of patients, thanks to a new technique, which reduces symptoms.
In Spain, have been made 500 successful interventions.
I have just found a video, which explains that technique. If you want to watch this video, please click the below:
Voice in off: “Eleven years, with Parkinson's. Lead a normal life was impossible”
Josecho (a patient): “Before, I drank a coffee and I was so”
Voice in off: “A disease, that limits and, moreover, the medication gave him somnolence”
Josecho: “The day to day was very hard ...: it is just that I did not know where to store the hand…”
Voice in off: “At his 68 years old, this man from Bilbao wanted the Parkinson not to condition his life more. He found the solution, in one operation. Here, at the Clinic University of Navarra, under the orders of the Doctor Guridi, they placed two electrodes, to Josecho, in his brain”
Doctor Guridi: “You have to avoid adverse effects. Then, the patient is awake and he collaborates”
Josecho: “I notice, when I touch myself, that I have the electrodes here”
Voice in off: “In a second intervention, a battery is placed, in the clavicle, to supply power”
Josecho: “And, here, I have a battery, to set the pulses”
Dr. Guridi: “As put a pacemaker, to a patient; what is going on is that the electric current, instead of going to the heart, goes to the brain”
Voice in off: “He is the pioneer, in the introduction of this technique, in Spain. He has performed more than 500 operations. The medication is reduced, the tremor disappears, although he insists: "The Parkinson continues" “.
The Dr. Guridi: “You do not take away their disease; ie, the patient is much better, clinically, but in no time, we are thinking about ending Parkinson's disease .... I wish ...”
Voice in off: “But the life of patients improve”
Josecho: “To see the heaven again .... trembling disappeared”
Voice in off: “The age and cognitive ability, of patients, determine who is a candidate, for this operation”.
Well, I remember that, when I was young, a day of vacation, I was with my godfather, who was much older, and it gave me sad to see how his hands were shaking. So, today, after seeing this news, so hopeful, I think it is very important this advance, for example, in the treatment of trembling.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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