Today, I should like to show you a video, where the Spanish doctor, Ana Bellón, gives us some advides, in order to sleep better. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Ana Bellón: “Well, really what we have dinner, it often influences on how we sleep, especially if we have a very large meal or dinner, with predominantly fat ..., we will have a digestion, much heavier, and that makes our sleep, can be more upset. But the food, that I have put here, is based on a study, that was done in Japan, with more than 2000 people, between 18 and 70 years, and who were followed for a year –it is a study, that moreover, has been published in the journal "Sleep Medicine" 2015, and what they saw is that those people, who had a higher intake, especially vegetables, and within these plant foods: mushrooms, seaweed or potatoes and soy derivatives (both soy beverages, such as oils or fermented sauces or eggs) were patients who had less problems, at bedtime and having restful sleep--. This we have joined with other study, that has been done in Finland, with over 200 men, between 30 and 65, where they saw that, really ... men ... all had overweight or obesity and they could have sleep apnea, ie difficult to sleep, cause of apnea, which made them wake up and not sleep well, and, above all, this was associated with a low intake of folic acid; as folic acid is mainly in green leafy vegetables, because if we unite both: increased consumption of green leafy vegetables, for folic acid --which is also in lentils or sunflower seeds--, well, this, in small amounts, at dinner, it shall help us to have a good digestion and, above all, to have the correct levels of folic acid and have a good sleep, which is what we all want, because, if not, the next day we will not perform.”.
Well, I think these advices are very interesting, because it is true that, when you eat too much at dinner, you can not sleep well and, moreover, the next day you see you have got stout.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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