The day before yesterday, a brother of mine sent me some pictures, which he had done, a few days ago, near Zahara de los Atunes (Cádiz, Southwest Spain), where he passed by a cattle farm, called "TAPATANA".

The owner of this property is Maria Dess Allymes, along with her five children (Ana, Javier, Ignacio, Jose Luis and Carlos Nuñez –got married to Inés Parias--).
The first wonder, seen by my brother, was a beautiful field with lavender flowers……

In this magnificent cattle farm, are grazing the cattle of fierce bulls "Carlos Nuñez".
Carlos Nuñez, as a cattle breeder, has maintained the style of his grandfather --also Carlos Nuñez--, who highlighted, as a cattle, in the early twentieth century, and it never mixed the blood of their cows with bulls of other farms.
My brother could be relatively close to some bulls.

Upon entering, you can see the door of the house (typical Andalusian farmhouse, named Cortijo). This house was built by the architect from Jerez, Miguel Revuelta, under the guidance of the five brothers and modeled after Andalusian cortijo, where the white lime and Arab tile predominate.

Inside, you can enjoy a very nice andalusian patio:

And you can see a comfortable living-room:

The porch:

The children playing in the garden:

Here, you can see Inés (the Carlos Nuñez´s wife), with two daughters:

Straw hat typical for field:

Here, you can see Inés, with a sister of her. They say that their mother (Maria Luisa Halcón Álvarez Osorio), was chosen "Ideal woman", in Europe, in 1967. And, that same year, she starred, in the cover of the magazine Telva. The truth is that she was a beautiful and elegant lady.

Now, you can see the small bullring and Carlos Nuñez, fighting a heifer:

Well, I hope that you have liked to know about this cattle farm and I also hope that you can come here, to see this field and around.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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