I have watched a video, where the Doctor, Ana Bellón, and the Graduate in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pilar León, give us several advices, in the television program "The morning ", by Mariló Montero, to attack the Anaemia. If you want to watch this video, please click below:
Ana Bellón (a Doctor): “We all think about the red meat and we are right; but, in order that you realise: a filet, more or less of 100 grams, has 2 milligrams of iron and, besides iron, hemo, ie (iron) that better is absorbed. While ..... oh ... hello, Mariló .... I show it, directly to you. We were speaking that the red meat has great reputation; but, there is other food, which have very much more iron than red meat, and they do not have so many reputation; for example: the mussels ... 100 grams of mussels have twice more iron than red meat ... and many fewer calories; but, it is that quails……”
Mariló Montero (the Presenter): “Ie, you should include it in a diet….”
Ana: “Of course…”
Mariló: “Ie, those who are on a diet, if they do not want to eat meat, they can eat another food, to take iron…”
Ana: “They can take mussels, which have twice more iron, than red meat. Quails are also very lean and they have 4 times more iron than red meat ...; the black pudding ... it is put here, because it has 7 times more iron; but it is true that it is also more caloric; but, if we control the quantity, then we can benefit ourselves of taking a lot of iron and we do not have to remove it (the black pudding) completely of a balanced diet.... But it is that baby clams, like clams or common cockles, have 12 times more (iron) than red meat certainly, the calories are very much minor. Then, all the food, of animal origin, has iron hemo, that, as I say, is the best one that is absorbed; and there is food, of vegetable origin --like the sesame, the pistachios or the pipes--, which also have iron, but not hemo”
Mariló: “They have put little salt or…without salt…”
Ana: “Well… these are even raw..., they have no salt, because they are not toasted..... And eggs, about which you were speaking before, it is true that they have iron; but, it is the only one food, of animal origin, which has iron " not hemo "; ie, whose absorption is minor. What can we do to absorb the iron of the egg? ... to add, for example, juice of lemon or to drink....
Mariló: “To the egg….?”
Ana: “Well ... perhaps not in the own food; but to drink a juice of orange or of lemon, simultaneously that we eat egg and we increase the absorption of that iron”
Mariló: “Salad with egg and juice of lemon….?”
Ana: “Daughter ...! , but a salad, where there is egg and then you accompany it of ......”
Mariló: “Ah ... instead of vinegar, a trickle of lemon....”
Ana: “For example…, for example…”
Mariló: “ Right, very well..... Well, let us see, Pilar..., here we have ..... I had have a few doubts .....; ie, when someone has the purchase, of everything what it has been buying ... you have food ...; but the thing is that there are people who says: "Even eating, everything what I have to eat, I am not full of vitamins", they still continue with anaemia.....”
Pilar (A Pharmacist): “They continue with Anaemia. Then, look, Mariló: today I have brought you a product, who likes doing investigations and things of those, it is this one, this one of here”.
Mariló: “Well, tell me later….”
Pilar: “It is a concentrate….”
Mariló: “Explain me later…”
Pilar: “Later?”
Pilar: “I tell you that I have brought a new product, which is going to help you to all this Anemia, all this lack of ..... many times it is that you do not eat well……”
Mariló: “Complements, supplements….”
Pilar: “Exact”
Mariló: “Vitamin”
Pilar: “Exact”
Mariló: “Without recipe”
Pilar: “Yes”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video and the advices are good for you.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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