I do not know if you remember that last May 14, 2013, I published a post, tittled: "The Levantá" in Andalusia (Spain). But, anyway, I should like to show you an impressive video about “The Levantá", ie how fishermen from Zahara de los Atunes capture the Red Tuna from Almadraba.
If you want to watch this video, please click below:
A first fisherman (he seems to be the responsible): “Come on, come on…., come on to take it….!!! .....Come on……You have put it too much to here…….Why did you have put that boat such to here….with a tide that runs I tell you!.....Ahhhh, come on….on the aerly morning…., this is very early for us…. “
The Captain´s assistant: “Yes, now the fish is going into the tunny nets, which is where we are interested in it, to be able to catch it; the only part of the Tunny fishery, which has bottom. One of the ranas (divers), who are down, he sticks the pull and they already give the voice up, in order that everybody raise the "Carabera" ("Hawser") ...; now, everything has to be quite coordinated”
Note: “Rana” is a diver, because he is wearing some flippers, similar than frog legs.
A second fisherman: “Right now, the divers are down, waiting for the tuna is passing around ..; in the moment that it pass, he gives a sign and, at the time, this net ends up, to catch it, in order that it does not move back”
The Captain´s Assistant: “Yes, you are already seeing how, as we are pulling this tunny net, we are approaching, to forming a circle, between all the ships”
The Captain´s Assistant: “Today, the weather is your friend and, tomorrow, your enemy: it is your friend, because it puts fish inside --it is necessary to have wind and surge, in order that there is fish--; it is your friend, because it helps you to do the "levantá" easier, saying it somehow ...; and it is your enemy, because, sometimes, you need to come to capture and it does not allow it to you”.
The Captain´s Assistant: “All the your senses are working...: here the sight, the same as the hearing, the tact .... everything works ...; then, it manages to be so spectacular, that you have to see it, first, and then understand it. Here there is a Director and then we all have to go together ...; although it seems to be a work, in which each one goes over here, over there ... no, no,… , really, everybody is coordinated here”
The Captain´s Assistant: “Yes, mission accomplished…. You have already seen what is a "levantá": something totally spectacular. Here, as soon as the fish is, in the tunny net, which is where we can capture it, everything is already runing, runing, runing ...., in order that the fish avenges with the maximum possible quality; we catch, more or less, those that we want: among 50 and 70 fishes ..., in order that the fish goes cold, it goes without blood and that comes, to the kitchen, with the maximum possible quality. You have already seen: the work is very rapid, perfect, the tide for us, the wind for us, the nice sun and ... perfect”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video, suc as I did.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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