I have just found an interesting video, about land in Spain. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
On the image, you can read: Terrae Network. Rent, to be trained and undertake.
Voice in off: “Prevent that agricultural activity and municipalities continue to lose population is the goal of the Terrae Network (an initiative that leaves from the creation of a land bank, through Internet, to facilitate contact between those who offer a rental and those who require it, always for agroecological crops”.
Mila Martín García (Technical Secretary of the Network Terrae): “The first step, that we had to give, was to revive the lands, that were in disuse, not cultivated, turn a little bit the agricultural landscape and ... we create the online tool: Bank land”
Manuel Redondo (Responsible of Comunication of the Terrae Network): ”It is freely available, everyone can come and register itself, through the web: www.tierrasagroecologicas.es. Enter the Land Bank, put your contact details and, somehow, you offer or demand”.
Voice in off: “Maximiliano has rented two lands, through the Network: an orchard and a vineyard, and he has been installed with his family, in Redueña (Madrid). By the moment, the production is for own consumption”.
Maximiliano Caripá (farmer): “Short-term and mid-term, it would be like a workplace; having a group of people, in Madrid or near developments of Redueña, who buy us the product”
Maria de las Mercedes Pérez González (Mayor of Redueña, Madrid): “With this project, what we do is re-boost, a little, our natural environment, which is our full potential”
Voice in off: “Beyond reclaim land and rural environment, the objectives of the network also pass by offer training, whom want to learn to cultivate, for subsistence or to create a small business. Carcaboso, in Caceres, is one of the municipalities, that more has developed this kind of theoretical and practical training”.
Elena Arroyo (Trainee instructor of organic farming): “We have made a compo of quality, to improve soil fertility; we have done the terraces, to improve water draining; we have installed irrigation; we made the seed; we have planted; ……well, all phases of a crop of deployments, from start to finish; and where we are doing tests and trials of varieties, management….”
Note: While Elena was talking about the compo, the terraces and so on, you could see the word “Calabacines” (“Courgettes”), on yellow colour.
Voice in off: “Roberto has launched this small cannery; but before, when he was unemployed, he learned to cultivate, in the social garden of the Hall: he planted and sold his vegetables to private citizens and shops, in the area”
Roberto Clemente (Resident of Carcaboso): “Here, there was a restaurant, that served food and every day, it had, on the menu, a dish of First and Second dish, of zero kilometer, which was here in the area; then we were serving him vegetables and green vegetables ....”
Voice in off: “Also, in Carcaboso, the city hall has launched other initiatives: these edible gardens replace, in the town streets, to the simply ornamental ones”
Lorena Rodríguez Lucero (Mayor of Carcaboso, Cáceres): “You can find, in our gardens, lettuce, onion, tomato, pepper ...., depending on the season ... It has been like a community objective: to see that what we grow in the village, it is for everyone --If you are making the food and you forget the lettuce, onion or pennyroyal, you can come and diging it—“.
Voice in off: “The idea of transforming the ornamental gardens, to edible, born in Great Britain, with the INCREDIBLE EDIBLE movement, and imported by TERRAE NETWORK; also, it serves to encourage the participation of residents”.
A woman, resident of Redueña: “It had to be moved earth and having thrown some mulch and water ...”
Voice in off: “This former livestock trail of Redueña has become an arboretum (a botanical garden,with fruits, vegetables, flowers and aromatic plants, able to be visited and edible”.
Another woman, resident of Redueña: “Everything can be eaten,… yes, son, yes…”
A woman, resident of Redueña: “At the time of collards, you plant cabbage, you plant Lombardy…”
A third woman, resident of Redueña: “Yes, so we come for a while and….well, we have a good time……”
Another woman, resident of Redueña: “The men tell us not to, who have worked hard and who do not want this one”
Mila Martín García: “We work with seniors --whom we call "Agricultos”, who are all people who have the traditional knowledge of the culture and development of the land and they are the ones, who are giving us the knowledge, that we are linking a little bit to the project”
Voice in off: “For residents, and with the work of the residents, it is also this community henhouse; seven families, like Ignacio one, care for it, each one day, a week”
Ignacio López García (Resident of Redueña): “Feed them and bring the organic remains of some residents, who collaborate with the feeding of chickens, to be all fairly natural. The eggs are taken, every day, by the person who is its turn to care the henhouse, have 4 or 5, which there are, for own consumption”
Voice in off: “The network is present in 40 municipalities, in 8 autonomous regions, figures that they hope to expand soon. Between its projects is, in addition, direct offer of products, through Internet”
Well, I think this project is so interesting, because it provides some new ideas, thinking to help people. I hope that you have liked this video too.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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