I have just found a video, with some interesting advices for your home. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Maxi: “What curiosities have we today for all those little things, that you are asking me? ... I am going to start to make you an air freshener summer ... and, above all, to those houses, which we are going to open now and which smell a little bit closed; you will see how simple .... We are going to put water ... so, as a…..what you calculate ...; we are going to put rosemary, rosemary plant, --that about rosemary you can write a whole book--, to this we will add 2 teaspoons cinnamon .....- Ay what a look it has….and what a nice it is…..!; and you will see what we are going to do ...--; and, also, we are going to put lemon…...-- my lemon, my lemon tree ...--, how I like lemon ..!,. .. really, I am passionate and also you will see how many tricks we have with a lemon .... This thing, so precious, we are going to boil and we are going to leave it, there, all the time, until it is going to consume, it is consumed ...; but you do not know what smell is in the whole house ... ; you are going to get away that smelly closed house ...; therefore, I have entitled it "Scent of Summer"; but you can do it, when you want ...... Well, we are going for another thing ....... I found this great .... you do not know how rich it smells ...?, without boiling and it smells well ..., so, imagine when you go to put it on fire .... Now, I am going to make you another thing, that you are asking me a lot: you tell me how to remove the stains or scratches --or as you want— by the pen, when we stain a shirt, a sweatshirt, with the ink of the pen ...; but very simple, you will see how easy it is .... My lemon lover, again ... well .... You have a line marker, and going to do the part where the sleeve is, the shirt, the pants, and going to moisten, then with lemon juice ..... and you are going to rub ...; Well, you see how it goes, Do not you? ... look ... how simple ... and see you...?; Well, once, you rub it a little bit, it is almost not necessary, you put it into the washer and….. goodbye to the pen, on our shirts and our clothes ... The lemon, …..how important!. Huh !.... ..... oh the lemon, therefore I say that it is my lover .....!. I have so many things ...; but still I get more .....There I go……….Now, I have a beautiful thing. Because you are asking me much, in white tablecloths, in napkins, on t-shirts, when your sweat goes out, there is no way to remove it ...... or, for example, I should have something ... .Do you see which tones so different ...? : here it is the pure white and yellow stays here ..., this is what we are going to solve now .... and we are going to take a pan, you put water, as I have made here, and we are going to add a handful of salt ...... , be splendid, as I always say, and, you see, all at home in our kitchen; therefore, you will see how well it works and clothes are not going to spoil; ie, water and salt. And now, we are going to put the piece that you have ...t- shirt or white napkins… --that tablecloths of Christmas, that, from one year to another, they go out some yellow spots, which long story, ....... I know ... I know that problem exists there and you ask me a lot about it--...; you have seen .. moreover you will see how nice ... Now, we put the piece and, above, we are going to put ... everything, everything full, covered with lemons ... there ...; cover the entire piece, that you are going to put, whole .... it is better that you go too far and that is the whole piece, covered with slices of lemons ... that you put it to boil, you leave it 10 minutes, not very high heat, but gradually, as the pots before ... cluck cluck cluck, little by little, as the beans, to be boiling, then slowly; 10 minutes so you leave it ..., then stick out your piece, you put it into your usual washing machine .... and you already will tell me ......”
Well, I hope that you have liked these advices.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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