Coming back home, after my vacation, I would like to share with you an interesting news, that a few days ago I listened on the radio. This is a project called "Mapatapas" (Mapa - tapas = Map - tapas).
The last Tuesday July 14, in the market of the Fish Market of the Barranco, at 12.30, it was presented 'Mapatapas', a project that highlights the Sevillian gastronomy, as a lure for tourism, according to its promoters, the Federation of Trade and Sevilla Center services (Alcentro).

Now, in its sixth edition, as a novelty, it has opted for the dining experience, "the relationship between tourism shopping and dining in the city of Seville", according to advance the Manager of Alcentro Sevilla, Manuel Gordillo.
Therefore, the aim of the Federation of Commerce and Services Center Seville, with 'Mapatapas' is to guide tourists, who come to shop, to join the food with trade.
Although 'Mapatapas' will be aimed at both Seville as tourists, coming from anywhere, to Seville, with the intention to offer another type of tourism, away from the traditional visits to monuments. "Some people do not come to see places, but shopping sightseeing; although only staying in the main commercial street (the Sierpes street) and little else. Then, with the guide, we offer places to shop around the Old Town", explains Manuel Gordillo.

The Sierpes street
The presentation brought together the leading authorities of the new local government, business organizations and operators, in the business sector.
Regarding maps of previous editions, Manuel Gordillo has expressed the great success they had in the tourism sector of the city, expected to have influence its new edition. "Many hotels and travel agencies have sued the map, to offer to tourists". He also expressed the great influence, that have had different editions of maps, in increasing the number of overnight stays in Seville.
It is recalled that the Federation of Trade and Services Center of Seville, which is made up of more than 3,000 establishments, in the Old Town (one of the oldest towns in Europe), was established with the idea of creating an integrated by associations, in different sectors such as trade Federation, hotels or restaurants.

Well, I hope that you can come to Seville, in order to try and enjoy this new project. If it is so, please tell me.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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