Two weeks ago, I could listen an interview, on the radio, to the Dr. Fernando Urdiales, Director of Miramar Medical Institute in Malaga, who spoke, between another things, about his new project, consisting of a treatment, through an unipolar multifocal radiofrequency, against Hyperhidrosis.
Fernando Urdiales and his team

The Miramar Medical Institute
Until now, there were several methods, against this disease, which involves excessive sweating, caused by stress or digestive or cardiovascular problems, and which is suffered by more than 300,000 people, in Spain. One of these methods involves injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin. But the method is painful and does not guarantee the complete disappearance of sweat.
The thoracic surgery is an extreme and painful alternative too.
It is also used the "Eufoton" laser --which is also used for liposuction with láser--; in this method, a local anesthesia is used, but in the operating room.
However, the method used, in the Miramar Institute, uses a non-invasive technique, that is painless. It does not require anesthesia, either recovery time, after treatment. It has no side effects.
Well, when I listened the news on the radio, I thought it was a very important discovery. I hope that you think the same.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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