I should like to show you a new tv program, which search several villages, in Spain, to show their residents how their villages are from sky, seen with a new technology. If you want to watch the video, made in a nice village of Málaga, please click on the link below:
Jesús Calleja (the presenter of the program): “Let us see where you go up to the square…What a circles there is in this village….!, Is it so always?”
A woman: “Always!”
Jesús Calleja: “Good morning!. Ye were waving from the top ...... I am Jesus Calleja ... and we came here to do a very nice thing, in the area”
Antonia: “I see you very thin…”
Jesús: “Because we do a lot of sport…”
Ana: “Tell him (the trainer)to let us be as you are…”
Jesus: “You know ... you have to put them as I am……The first thing you have to do is not to eat much…”
Antonia: “Yes, man….I do not eat and look how I am…..This is my cousin and she eats too”
Jesus: “They are who speak more in the village….”
Antonia: “I have seen him very thin ... you have to give him “papeo”(food)”
Jesus: “Let us see ... raise your hand, who has made the Caminito del Rey”…., really, do not lie to me, because I ask you a question and I catch you.... You have done it ... you too .... ie, you have one of the most stunning beauties of all the Spanish geography, and you have made three ..........”
A neighbor: “It is that the Caminito scares me very much….; I love to see it from the front…”
Another neighbor: “I have never seen it; my father did not ever let us to go to the Caminito…”
Jesus: “Because it was dangerous…”
The last neighbor: “Because he did not like it…”
Jesus: “I have come here to do a thing…….very nice……….I am going to make a streetview”
Antonia: “Make what you want….”
A third neighbor: “I do not know what is that”
A fourth neighbor: “Streaptease is when clothing is removed”
….a lot of laughters……..
Jesus: “We will take a series of machines, above us ... we will make the Caminito del Rey ... taking thousands of photographs and all that, then, on a computer, anywhere in the world, who wants can see the Caminito del Rey, it can travel in the Caminito del Rey, it can walk virtually .... Can you show me the village a little bit?”
Jesus: “You did not go to school before?”
Ana: “I have not stepped it……My brother said that men had to know read and write; but women, at home….”
Jesus: “Do you know read and write?”
Antonia: “Jesus…I could be teached, when I was a child…and it was what I liked more, to know read and write. But I was so eager that, when I became a little older, I saw that my children were older and I said: now I am going to write me down, in the Adult School; and thanks God, with the age that I have, I got my driver's license….”
Jesus: “Yes, lady…but I am going to give you two kisses………A thing is coming to my mind….Do you bet that I carry you on a helicopter?”
Antonia: “Come off it!...Yes?....Uy, my God…..Really, Jesus?...”
Jesus: “Do you want?”
Antonia: “Do not me lie”
Jesus: “We go”
Antonia: “But, come on”
Jesus: “We are already flying”
Antonia: “What a nice thing……!.................Boy, what a nice……Over the years, that I have been here, and I have not seen these beauties .....”
Jesus: “Look…, this is the river Guadalteba…., and from here comes the Turón, look, on the right, Do you see it?, it comes. And there comes the Guadalhorce….”
Antonia: “Jesus: and you who are not from here, how do you know this?”
Jesus: “To read is a very important thing…..,to have knowledge ...., Culture is very important, as you have done: you were not allowed to have culture, when you were a child; but you have got grown-up”
Antonia: “Jesus: this is beautiful, Eh?”
Jesus: “Right?”
Antonia: “Beautiful……What a nice present….!”
Antonia: “Older people who have lived so .....!”
Jesus: “And so many things that happened to you…..”
Antonia: “Yes…and so many…….My father arrived with a little load of firewood…and my mother fryed an egg for him… and she told us: “When dad arrives, you tell him you have eaten” and now you bring me here, got on here…., my God….Really, Jesus, …..”
Jesus: “I love…really…..that you are happy and that you carry this present on…”
Antonia: “This is for enjoying it….”
Antonia: “Jesus: I am really going crying….”
Jesus: “You go crying….daughter…”
Antonia: “Because I did not hope this one….Come on….What do I know?.....Not in a dream, for God….What a nice thing……” …..music………….”If I would have said that they are coming from Cuatro and you are going to take a little walk and moreover you are going to cry ..., I would have said: impossible ... if I never cry .....”
Jesus: “But you are crying…., you are crying…”
Antonia: “If I am always laughing……..”
Jesus: “Look at your village…, look at your village….”
Well, I hope that you have liked the video and I hope that you can come to that village, some day.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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