I have thought that perhaps you are interested in the abandoned villages in Spain and concretely in Andalusia. Here I bring you a case that perhaps is interesting for you. It is the village named “Aldea”, situated in the province of Huelva, south west of Spain.

Here, you have a great opportunity to get a big land, in order to build a golf course or a touristic complex.
You have 253 hectares, with an abandoned mining village and a deposit of 1.300.000 cubic metres of water.
The village, which occupies more than 6,000 square metres of buildings, can be rebuilt, either for individual housing, touristic development or a similar use, in most of the property, and not necessarily at the sites of old houses.

Planning or building permit is allowed, unless it forms part of a restoration project, such as this.
The land is in two parcels, one of 224 hectares, comprising the village and its surroundings, and another 29 hectares enclosing the deposit and adjacent land.

The water surface of the reservoir covers 14 hectares, in full. The reservoir is connected to the village, by a channel that is part of the main land package.
In case that the permission should be granted, in the future, for the construction of golf facilities, water reservoir would be enough, to irrigate a field of 18 holes.
A bridge, built for the railway line, that originally held the mining community, crosses the river, that runs through the property and is in good condition and able to withstand heavy loads, but only wide enough for one vehicle, at a time. The main entrance, to the property, does not require the use of this bridge.

The Seville airport is only 72 km, from the village, and the beaches of Huelva are less than 60 kms.
Well, I hope that you have liked this post and can come, to Andalusia, in order to visit this abandoned village.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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