I have found a funny video about a very Spanish tradition, such important thing that it is famous even abroad. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Ines Ballester (The presenter of the program “La mañana” = “The morning”): “Well, we have gone to Ador, Laura Torres is with this Mayor .... a brave Mayor, at least ... .., well, which you have tied up ....!”
Note: Ador is a little village of Valencia, East of Spain.
Laura Torres (a newswoman in the program La mañana): “Yes, How are you ?, good afternoon, Agnes, we are here, at Ador, in the province of Valencia, a little village of 1,400 inhabitants; but Joan, you are being called, even from outside of Spain, to know what is happening here ....!”
Joan (The Mayor of Ador): “Effectively, effectively ....; I have news about that today we are the "news of the day", in France, ...., and in England, even in America, on average Europe ... everywhere calling us, asking for information”
Laura Torres: “For the sacred siesta….”
Joan: “Effectively, for the siesta….”
Laura: “On the municipal public annoucement ..... the Mayor has here, in his hands, the municipal public annoucement, which he reads at least once a week .... What are these words, that you hear from the speakers parish?”
Joan: “It simply says: "To ensure the rest and to overcome all the best rigors of summer, we ask you, please, respected hours of rest, from noon until 5 pm, controlling children at home and maintaining the volume of stereos and television, at acceptable levels…… "
Ines: “Mayor…!...”
Joan: “…….Thanks for your cooperation…This is told all the village”
Ines: “Mayor…..Hello….., hello….Does he not hear?....Joan…”
Laura: “He is not listening, Ines”
Ines: “Ah, fine…Well…, good interview…”
Laura: “But I tell it him, I tell it him”
Ines: “Let us see ... no, we Spanish people have been told a little bit of everything….: but, with this public annoucement, we have already been told that we do not like to work ..., that it is an excuse for ... well ..... I do not know if we are in the XXI Century ..... .. so such those public annoucements are made ....”
Laura: “Well ... Mayor, they tell us, from the set, that we have been told that we are lazy, we do not like to work, …..What this public announcement means?, that we are in the XXI century and It is not exactly the reason, right?”
Joan: “Effectively, we are neither vague nor hope; on the contrary, we want everyone have a job and work; what happens is that people working in field, is not covered, do not have air conditioning and, therefore, during those hours of the day, it is logical and normal to go home to rest”
Laura: “Let us ask, some of the people who are here, who are from the village, to see what they think about it, from 3 pm until 5 pm, there is no noise on street”
A lady: “Of course ...they all have to be at home, to rest parents and them .... Yes, because it is lifelong and we have to respect and keep it”
Laura: “And you, who are a mother, Is it repected?”
Another lady: “Yes, yes…”
Ines: “Let us see, Laura….Is there nobody against…in the village......?”
The last lady: “Until 5 pm, nobody goes out of home…”
Laura: “And nobody is against?, Nobody is against that during those hours the silent is respect, the volume of the TV is not up….?, Nobody?”
Ines: “Let us see, Laura, one moment, because Sonia Ferrer says she is completely against…Let us see, Sonia”
Sonia Ferrer: “I think everyone may do what it wants; but, as it is always said that children must learn to sleep with noise, but look, gentlemen, adults too. What you may not do is to force kids ... Do you let me, please?; what you may not is force them, to all children to be from 2 to 5 pm, locked up at home, because people have to sleep, the volume of the TV is lowered; ie, taht officially we are canceling three hours of the day ... I, really, I am so sorry, but I think that the image of Spain is being deteriorated, and it was not very good”.
Beatriz (Another journalist in the program): “We are talking about someone who has to get up at 5 a.m., to make any job in the field; We are talking about someone who wants to take a nap ... But I am absolutely in favor of the rules, there are many developments and in many areas, where such type of bricolage times is prohibits….on weekend, that at 8 am, a neighbor is set to make bricolage ..., Look, please ...!. Let us have a little respect for rest ”
Ana Clara (Another talk show guest): “Beatriz, we are so used to noise and regulate the noise, from the bars, until 3 am, that regulate the rest ... so be it ...!”
Paloma Gomez Borrero (Journalist): “I agree…absolutely”
Sonia Ferrer: “I think that you can not stop life…..I understand that there is a control of decibels at night ...; but that certain things are prohibited, during the day ... I am not agree”
Beatriz: “We are speaking of a community, where they live by field, where many people are up early; perhaps, in other countries, people do not understand it, because they have another schedules; but, for example, in Valencia, it is well known "The almorsaré", which is a great meal, at 11 am”
Ines: “If the neighbors agree, nothing to say ... honestly .... Laura, a kiss! .... Greets Mayor ... well, and neighboring .., of course….”
Laura: “A greeting and thank you very much for being here with us”
Joan: “Thank you for remembering my village”
Well, I hope that you have liked this debate.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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