I have found an interesting video, about the cultivation of mushroom, that I should like to share with you. If you want to watch this video, please click below:
Voice in off: “This dessert, made from mushrooms, is an example of everything that can give it, in the kitchen, this fungus; well know, in the Rioja town of Pradejón, the largest producer of mushrooms in Spain. To give more value to its flagship product, they celebrate Fungitur Fair and, in addition, have launched the Fungiturismo (guided crops mushrooms and fungi, starting at the interpretation center and end with an innovative menu paths, based the ultimate goal of fungi: promote the consumption of the product”
Javier Honorato (Spokesman of the Fungiturismo): “It Sates, but not fattening; It is ideal for vegetarians; so good, to reduce cholesterol and cardiovasculars problems and, above all, with great potent antioxidant; ie, daily consumption of mushrooms and fungi, reduces and prevents oxidation of cells”
Voice in off: “We Spaniards consume, on average, slightly more than half kilos of mushrooms , per year, while the European average is less than 3 kilos and the Asians can reach 12 kilos annually”
Encarna Maorad (Editorial office of La Rioja): “We are in a mushroom cellar; here, an average of 12,000 kilos of mushrooms are produced, for each crop cycle”.
Voice in off: “La Rioja grown each year, some 61,000 tons of mushrooms, but also produce other types of fungi, more exotic, such as Shiitake variety (one of the mushrooms, cultivated, which has more power in the mouth)”
Javier Honorato: “This is the tastiest, by far, a very aromatic mushroom, that combines well with all types of dishes, holds great long cooking; even such blends well with spicy or hunting meat”
Voice in off: “Pradejón is the only place, in the country, where the Eryngii mushroom, which is also of Eastern origin, is cultivated; its production system is very original, in Europe”
César Fernández (Producer): “Many eryngiis go out, in every jar and, what we do, is that we clarify it and leave only two: Mini, we sell it as Mini version (a beauty mushroom, very tasty and very good) and the other two, we left, we left for Extra size, like this one, and even bigger….”
Voice in off: “Within Europe, the substrate needed, to cultivate this variety, is only found in Pradejón; although, to meet this working model, first, people from La Rioja had to make several trips to Korea”
César Fernandez: “We saw it was something interesting, to bring here, to Europe, because it was not, and we brought the working system, the working system is in bottle: it is the most productive there ...; do the substrate here, we make seed, .... well, we are getting things slowly .... although this is being hard, because these things are very complicated”
Voice in off: “Although, in Spain, there is not still much culture Fungi, in Pradejón, they are working on new crops”
Cesar Fernandez: “So far, for that ... it was marketed as wild mushroom, mushroom and all these products, we are beginning to do now coming from Asia ...; then they came with many days ...., ..... no quality and sales did not grow. And now, we work it, right out the day and cooler, slowly, it is selling more --because it is a better product —“
Voice in off: “If you still do not know the universe, behind a fungus, the Rioja offers you the first and only one Fungiturismo Path, that exists in Spain”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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