I have found an interesting news, about our Economy, that I should like to share with you.
The Consumer Confidence Index (ICC), in July, in Spain, stood at 105.6 points, 4.2 points above the previous month, according to data released Monday, by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS). Thus, not only is still above one hundred points, that mark the border of consumer optimism, but it reaches a new record.

This rise, of the ICC,is due to increased of its two components: the expectations index, which stood at 114.7 points, increasing 2.7 points; and the present situation index, which reaches 96.4 points, up 5.7 points. In relation to July 2014, the increase has reached 16.7 points, with higher profits in absolute terms, for the assessment of the current situation (19.4 points) compared to expectations (13.9 points).
As for the current situation, there has been an increased frequency of optimistic assessments of the general economic situation and the employment situation, which has increased by 8.1 and 8 points respectively. For its part, the assessment of the current situation of households has been remained, largely stable, with a small advance of 0.8 points.
With respect to the data of July 2014, the optimistic assessment of the economic situation today is 22.9 points higher, the options offered by the labor market are positive about 20.9 points, above the value of a year ago and view on the situation, in homes, has been improved by 14.3 points since then.
For its part, the expectations index has a very similar profile to the present situation index. Thus, positive expectations, about the economic situation, have increased by 4.8 points and the expectations of the labor market have risen 3.3 points, while household expectations have remained unchanged, compared to those obtained in June. This evolution, repeated over recent months, leaves the situation of households, as the most backward, in the progress of the different indexes, that make up the ICC component.
Overall, 27.8% of respondents believe that the current economic situation is worse than six months ago, while 38.1% do not appreciate change and 31.6% believe it has improved. Looking ahead to the next six months, 42.3% of respondents confident that the state of the economy will be better, compared to 22.2% who predict a decline, and 26.8% do not expect changes.
The ICC, in July, for which it has been conducted more than 1,500 interviews, shows that 12.8% of respondents said that there are now more people unemployed, in their environment, that six months ago, and 29.3% think the situation, in Spain, to find a job, is worse than six months ago, while 38.9% believe that the situation has not changed, and 28.3% has improved.
When asked about the evolution of employment over the next six months, 24.2% of respondents think that the situation will decline, compared to 41.1%, who believe it will improve and 24.2%, who think that will remain unchanged.
When asked if they have in mind to buy a house, the next year; 94.7% of the interviewees says no and, only 4.6%, plan to purchase one. 49.7% of respondents believe that housing prices will continue, the next year, while 11.5% expect lower and 32.7% think it will rise.
Well, I hope that you have liked the positive expectations and hope that you can come to Spain, in order to get a good quality of life.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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