I have just watched a video, about Barbate, in Cadiz, in the Costa de la Luz, that I have liked very much. If you want to watch this video, as I did, please click on the link below:
Marta (Presenter of the program “Here the Earth”): “As every year, Barbate has launched an awareness campaign to keep their beaches clean. Therefore, we have come to the Costa de la Luz, to speak with one of its leaders”
Marta: “You have made an awareness campaign, Right?”
Maria Dolores Iglesias (Environmental volunteers Trafalgar): “The collection of plastic, mainly; bags of potatoes, other types of small or large plastic ..., I do not care .... and once entering the boat, they become the cause of death ... mainly turtles and dolphins too. ......... a small packet of potato will kill a dolphin ... it is incredible but true ..... and turtle, mistaken for jellyfish and intake is deadly ..... Yo have to chase that small packet of potato... and not say: "is that it took the wind" ....., as now, there is wind blowing here .... much easterly wind and westerly wind .... that is where I am going ... it is right to bend, occasionally, as do the volunteers, and collect what it flew to another ... nothing happens”
Marta: “Cleaning beaches by hand is very good, Why?”
Maria Dolores: “Both the machine that catches as the sweeper beach, is made to lift the sand; but, pinching themselves, it collects everything, especially the most tiny, because it has a great precision”.
Marta: “Someone just left a plastic bottle .... We will bring the camera ..... Who was ...? .... Poor people, they are scared ...! .... I am volunteer in Barbate, huh ... .... what a good !, I have done well, I have seen at a distance and I said: "I am going to get her " .... Show me what you have in this bag ...: butts, rubber gloves ..., plasters, ..... Are you happy with this awareness campaign?”.
Another volunteer: “Yes, yes, very much, we are many people here and another people, who are not here, because they are working; but, yes, many people”
Marta: “All right, I leave you working…..see you…”
Marta: “The beach have to be very clean.., they have made an awareness campaign, in all Barbate. Then, we are going to do a contest: Tony will compete against Pedro. What relationship have you both?”
Tony: “We are brothers in law”
Marta: “Uhhhhhhhhhhh….And here I have to Pedro and Tony´s family and you must go there to encourage and I take the contestants and, now, I explain you how this game works .... no, no, over there ... ja ja "
Marta: “Rubbish bag, we get inside and, from here, it is like sack race ..... So we come here, we take the bag, we dig the wastes up, we put them in the bag and come to the finish, where I will be waiting, with a prize ....... 3, 2, 1 ................. Pedro has not yet managed to get himself into the bag ..... We see the waste, which are: a glass jar, a bottle .... Congratulations ... take your bag .... We take the prize, which is the book of Here the Earth….You have your hands full of soil; but it does not matter, because it is here the Earth ....., Well, Are you aware to clean beaches?...”
Tony: “Of course”
Marta: “A round of applause for the winners”
Marta: “After everything I have learned, the best thing I am going to do is collect the circuit, because, Who would leaves it so, with plastic on the beach ........ For a clean Barbate ...!”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video and I also hope that you can come to Barbate, to enjoy this beach, personally, because I know it and I can recommend it to you, because it it very nice, so tranquil and above all, no dangerous for children.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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