Today, I have found an interesting news, that I should like to share with you: “One expert devises a system that recycles the energy of cars in city”.
That expert is named Alvaro Santamaría. This researcher has outlined an innovative idea, with which he pretends to make the most of cities, like Madrid, for all the energy of cars, that access them, that he expects to see in operation, within a year, with the objective of promoting a high electricity savings.

Alvaro Santamaria
Santamaria, who have just finished Law, at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), after being trained, in Computing Management and Electronic, is a great fan of mechanics.
And, finally, he has been able to dispose of this concern own, confesses in an interview with Efe, by the hand of the project, "Recharge your city", with which aims to "use the energy lost when cars enter cities and brake", recycling it and converting it into "electricity".
His invention is able to collect the energy lost, in braking the cars, as they reduce their speed, in access to the cities, from high capacity roads to urban roads.
With a complex system of robotic control, “Arduino”, boards installed on the floor, his device gets convert the kinetic energy, of each vehicle that passes over, into electricity, through a series of circuits, designed for this purpose.
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Santamaria stresses the importance of these plates, that get a system, that would require a large area for development, is reduced to a small space under the road.
For this current, there are "several options", the two most feasible are sending it directly "to the grid" and "accumulate it in deep cycle batteries, like those used in solar panels, for use when needed", which implies an important savings.
In this sense, he has made a detailed study and, by 100,000 vehicles entering a city, is able to illuminate 44 kilometers of LED lamps, with a single device; however, they could be more, if different artifacts are located, along several metres or kilometres.
This calculation serves to A Coruña, where the number of cars circulating, every day, for its main route of access --the avenue Alfonso Molina-- and it would be multiplied by dozens, in locations, such as Madrid, moreover the possibility of doubling the devices, not only for the entrance, but also to the exit.
His project goes through manufacturing "in Galicia", where the company would be based and then should be expanded to "the rest of Europe and where it can", with an internationalization plan, designed to "within five years".
Not for nothing, since November 2014, Alvaro Santamaria works, at the School of Industrial Organization, to "develop a convincing business plan, with a financial plan and you do not run alone in the idea, but in the creation of a company itself".
They encouraged him to stand for several awards, from the university, for which he completed the proposal with "this business plan, marketing studies and much more", he made that pleased the jury, on special way.
In this process, he obtained the first prize, in the Start-Up competition, and also, in the CMETT entrepreneurship program, and thanks to an "idea", that he had "since a long time ago", but he had never been put into practice.
"A few months ago, I discovered plates, for robotic control, called “Arduino”. There, I saw the opportunity to make this a reality, the way in which to develop the idea. I saw feasibility, to develop the project and implement it”, he continues.
He prepared himself, thoroughly with courses, such as one who taught at the National Museum of Science and Technology (MUNCYT) and, a few days ago, with the finished project, he already presented the patent, to avoid plagiarism.
"The approach is ready to be taken, find investors and assemble the company", he says, adding that first device, to make a model to show its actual performance, but the idea is to "have it up within six months and one year start sell".
He needs 300,000 euros, knowing that it is "better to go some money left over we did not get halfway with empty pockets", although he is optimistic and hopes to see his idea, in different cities, within a short time.
Well, I hope that you have liked this news, and you are able to appreciate how important is to recycling.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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