I have just found a nice video, that I should like to show you. If you want to watch it, please, click on the link below:
Luis Miguel Domínguez (Naturalist): “Let's wait, be careful, Raul, here there are some little holes; although you are not going to fall ...., when we are closer to the lagoon, the image will be wicked ... look, look, look ... ..this is surely the best time to look out the window of Nature; the sunset in summer; then, when the sun has lost strength and it takes color, colors everything red and bifauna --in this case birds, flamencos-- begin to celebrate, and you see it; just at this time, when it is emitting: Here the Land”
Luis Miguel Dominguez: “We are going to enter through this side because there are so many flamingos there and you will see now, when they start to move all ....... I estimate that there may be waiting for me, right now, 5000 flamingos, in the lagoon ... understand that, if they are the phoenix rising, from the ashes ... imagine how I feel .... and I hope you also ..... An evening at dusk”
Luis Miguel Dominguez: “Do you listen the sound? ........, flamingos are waiting for us .... the great spectacle of life ...., we are tired of so much din and so much noise ........, we want Nature to listen its heart beat ........”
Luis Miguel: “At this time, right now, flamingos and reproduced .... It is a species that can be found, in stunning lagoons, such as Fuente de piedra, certainly, here in Doñana too, Why not?, in the Peninsula, many places, I remember, for example, the wet Mancha, too, in the province of Ciudad Real, …in many places…; do not ever forget this animal…, if it is….it means this is well…There are thousands of flamingos, this afternoon, and it excites me .....“
Luis Miguel: “In Spain, a long time ago, this type of lagoon were dried up….., it was talked of Malaria, of jungle fever, it was talked of mosquitos .... and that they were insane; the truth is that we see today that they are authentic treasures ... It is very important this time ... this time ... and it is very important to do as I am doing: respect Nature and be at floor level .. ...., they have to feel safe themselves”
Luis Miguel: “The Moor .... who was missing this afternoon ...: a Spanish ibis ...., an animal, who has made Doñana a magical place, special place ...; one endangered species, who, fortunately, is overcoming a demographic bump ..... Here I leave you, with this imprint, with this scenary, from an alive Spain; I leave you, in order that you rest, you dream, Why not ?, tonight, with beautiful landscapes, like this one....... see you..........”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video and any day you can come to Doñana, in order to enjoy this show.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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