I have just found an important news, that talks about organ donation. Exactly, it said: “Spain reaches 190,000 marrow donors in the first half of the year".
Spain has reached 190,000 marrow donors, in the first six months of 2015, which shows the possibility of reaching the goal, a year before the National Marrow Plan, set at 200,000 at the end of 2016.
The National Transplant Organization (ONT), in collaboration with the Autonomous Regions, launched the National Marrow Plan, in January 2013, with the goal of doubling marrow donors, in four years, and move from the 100,000,registered then, to 200,000, before 2017.
According to the National Transplant Organization and the Spanish Registry of Bone Marrow Donors (REDMO), the commitment included an annual growth of 25,000 new donors, an average of about 2,000 per month, figures, which have been exceeded, since the launch of the plan, with an average of 3,000 new donors, per month.

"Every day, there are a hundred more marrow donors", said the Director of the ONT, Rafael Matesanz, who attributes the success of the Plan and the continued increase, in donor, to the investment of five million euros, made in equal parts, by the Ministry of Health and the autonomous communities, to improve the whole system of recruitment and involvement of many groups.
The data from the ONT-REDMO record a total of 19,506 new donors in the first half of this year, 50 percent more than the targets set for this period (12,500 in the first 6 months and 25,000 for the whole year).
Galicia (+ 18%), Aragon (+ 17%), Basque Country (+ 15%), Catalonia (+ 14%), Castilla-La Mancha (+ 14%), Madrid (+ 13%) and the City of Ceuta (+ 19%) are the communities, that have grown more, in percentage terms this year. In absolute numbers, Catalonia, Andalusia, Madrid, Valencia, Castilla-León and the Basque Country are, in this order, the fastest growing communities, in the first six months of 2014.
According to data from the ONT-Redmon, currently over 90% of cases there is a bone marrow donor or a compatible cord, in an average time of 36 days.
Acute leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma are the main diseases that could be benefited from a marrow transplant. In Spain, each year, about 5,000 people are diagnosed, with acute leukemia, lymphoma about 7,000 and about 2,000 of multiple myeloma.
Leukemia is the most common childhood cancer. It is accounting for 30% of pediatric hemato diseases. 70% of patients who can benefit from this type of transplant, need a unrelated donor.
Health service has allocated, to the National Bone Marrow Donation Plan, about 2.5 million euros (830,000 euros a year from 2013) to co-finance the tipajes (Tipaje = Determination of the patient's HLA antigens, to know its compatibility) with the Autonomous Regions.
Well, I think that anyone donation is very important, to save lives and to give people a good quality of life.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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