Today, I should like to show you an interesting video, where you can see the properties of the Aloe Vera, even for food.
If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
You can read: Aloe vera for food. Grown in Seville and processed in Burgos.
Voice in off: “Ecological Aloe Vera: this is the greatest exploitation of Europe; it is in Seville; the plant is harvested and comes here to Pradoluengo, a village of Burgos. This biofactory is the first on the continent, which processes the product for food use; it is gotten eliminating the Aloina --a bitter compound and yellowish—“
Juan Manuel Sanz (Manager of Naturae): “A substance, which has on natural way--, we extract it, --also on natural way--, so that, for the first time, it can be incorporated aloe vera to any dish”
Voice in off: “We observe how they make dowels of aloe vera; first, the plant is disinfected, then opens ... and gotten dull ...... fillets are removed, to be macerated for about 20 minutes ... ... They become clean, cut and packaged. Properties: many ... and all beneficial, according to experts ...; aloe vera also cure within”
Juan Manuel Sanz: “It is a plant, that has many health benefits and, basically, are acting on the digestive system, promoting digestion, even regenerating some type of digestive ulcers, which occur .... But not only that, it also has other advantages : a product, that does not carry gluten, which is especially suitable, for people who have food intolerance, with the use of gluten”
Voice in off: “The company exports the 30 percent of its production, to Italy, Germany, Holland, Switzerland ...; it is, precisely, in other European countries, and not in Spain, where it is consumed this type of products”
Juan Manuel Sanz: “In the rest of Europe, the trend is just going to produce "bio" organic products, healthier, with more guarantees; but, in Spain, I do not know why, there is a sort of contradiction: being the leading producer of agricultural products, ecological, it is precisely one of the countries, that least consume it, at internal level”
Voice in off: “Both dowels, as juice, that are made here, can be cooked in countless ways; this chef, from Valladolid, gives us some ideas”.
Javier Peña (Chef): “Well, from a mayonnaise…, to make a sauce, with aloe…, to develop a rice ..., to make a tiramisu ..., to make a French toast ...; we can do a lot of things ... it gives us a chance, as I commented, on the subject of textures, which is very interesting and very funny”
Voice in off: “He makes salmon with yogurt of aloe vera ....,Iberian sirloin with parmentier of aloe vera….., rice with pineapple, mushrooms and dowels of aloe vera. Organic products daily have more prominence, in the cuisine”
Javier Peña: “We all know we must eat healthy and care and, well ... I feel great to be a little bet these products .....; that is, we have to be conscious about the health issue”.
Estefanía Fontaneda (Voice in off. Editorial office Castilla y León): “Research and development, in this case, serving a tasty gastronomy and hundred percent natural”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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