Today, I should like to show you a video, where a Nutricionist teach us how to take a good afternoon snack. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Ana Beltrán (Nutricionist Zentro Institute): “What time is it?”
San (the presenter of the video in the tv program “Aquí la tierra”): “But..almost five”
Ana: “Well ... if you let me, while you have tea, I am going to prepare a snack to the girl, who is about to arrive ... Right?”
San: “What are you going to prepare her?”
Ana: “But… today I am going to take some rye bread ... Did you know that rye bread, as any wholemeal bread, you delay hunger, because the grain is whole and therefore it is more nutritious?”
San: “Do you think that they like this?”
Ana: “They like it because, although, at first glance, it may seem a bit unpleasant, cause the color, then it has a much more tasty”
San: “And what are you going to put inside there?, because the bread alone ....”
Ana: “Well.., I am going to see what I have….I do not know if I put iberic ham or York ham…Either of these may be good for me today”
San: “Is more healthy the york ham…,lighter?”
Ana: “Well ... lighter to digest; but, in terms of ... healthy, a good iberic ham ... it has a little more salt, but it is very well tolerated "
San: “What a good afternoon snack…!”
Ana: “Man, of course, imagine children of today, who have to wear both studies and extracurricular, sports they do, they need to eat something, that gives them nutrition .., bring them food ... ., other than they like”
San: “Hey…and for example…, that I have seen over here, sausage…., how about sausage for having tea?”
Ana: “The sausage is another option .., but what happens is that both the sausage like this so rich paté I leave for more casual situations, because they have much more salt and more fat ... I should raise you to have an afternoon snack ... .Do you like bread seed?”
San: “But…I have never eaten it”
Ana: “But, If I told you that the bread of seeds gives you, besides good bread, lots of calcium and iron in?………Well, look ... this sandwich I am going to do to you, but it is also a very rich sandwich for kids ... it will be a tuna sandwich and we are making the children take some more fish, a day, who normally take few ....”
Ana´s daughter: “Hello, mam, I am here”
Ana: “Hello, darling, How are you?”
Ana´s daughter: “Well”
Ana: “What about school, well?”
Ana´s daughter: “What about afternoon snack?”
Ana: “Look, I have made you a sandwich of ham”
Ana´s daughter: “There is nothing sweet?”
San: “The thing is that sweets, children…”
Ana: “Ahhhh….I told you that I was going to be asked by her…Man, what should be ideal is that she took an apple, too; But do you know what happens?, that, yesterday, we made a homemade cake, at grandmother´s home; then, if you take all the sandwich, then I am going to give her a piece of cake with chocolate”
San: “Hurry, Carlota, otherwise, I will eat this one…….And chocolate is good or not?”
Ana: “Chocolate gives a lot of energy, it has many properties; while it is true that it is better that chocolate is more pure than very mixed with milk”
San: “Ah, And why is that?”
Ana: “Normally, chocolates, which come with a lot of milk, have more fat intake and added sugars”
San: “I prefer a chocolate sandwich….”
Ana: “Man, a chocolate sandwich is very good, but , look, first finish your tuna sandwich, which is nutritious and healthy, and then you do your homage, with a little cake and chocolate ....”
San: “Are you going preparing it for me?”
Ana: “I am going preparing it for you directly”
Well, I hope that you have liked the advices in this video.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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