Today, I should like to share with you a very interesting news, that I have just found: “Some Spanish scientists discovered that resistance to antibiotics are transmited from mother to son”

A team of Spanish researchers has discovered that antibiotic resistance can be transferred from mother to child, during pregnancy and through the colostrum (first milk that gives the woman after birth). The World Health Organization warning for some time that the antibiotic resistance to common infections can become lethal.
The research, published in the Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, has found bacteria resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics and tetracycline in meconium (the first stool of newborns) and feces of babies one week old.
The mother can transmit, to the baby, during pregnancy and through colostrum, some bacteria, resistant to antibiotics, which are housed in the small intestine of child.
These bacteria do not necessarily cause an immediate problem in the baby, because bacteria are usually set in the intestine; but the digestive tract become a "reservoir" of resistant genes, that are accumulated and transmited to dangerous pathogens bacteria, explained, to Efe, the researcher, Pilar Francino, from the FISABIO Foundation.
Francino has indicated that bacteria can transfer genes between them and there is growing environments that become reservoirs of antibiotic resistance, so the probability of harmful bacteria finish being resistant is growing.
To reach these conclusions, the researchers have analyzed 20 samples of meconium: in the 70% of them, they found antibiotic resistance.
They also studied the feces of 13 pairs of mothers and children, and a mother's colostrum, and they found a high prevalence of genes with resistance to certain antibiotics.
"Both in meconium and colostrum, we have found that are repeat some of the antibiotic resistance, detected in the mother, before birth; we later found that this resistance may disappear and new ones appear", stressed Francino, head of Genomics and Health Foundation FISABIO.
In this research, some researchers, from different Spanish institutions, have collarated. Between them, the Joint Unit in Genomics and Health Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia (FISABIO) and the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, at the University of Valencia.
Also the Biomedical Research Centre Network for Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), under the Carlos III Institute of Health, in collaboration with researchers from the cohort INMA (Childhood and Environment), in Valencia and from the University of Copenhagen.
Well, I hope that you have considered interesting this article, such as I did.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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