I should like to show you a video, where you can watch the different types of tomato, that we can cultivate in our vegetable garden. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Ramón Fernandez (vegetable garden Montecarmelo): “Hello, Earthlings: again, here in the vegetable garden of Aquí la tierra, our star plant: tomato .... We are going to show you the last stages of production; as you see, the plant is already slightly down, after a few months of production, and we are going to be gathering the last fruits and we are going to show you the varieties and for what we can use them .... Look how much tomatoes we picked, in a moment, in our vegetable garden ... these delicious cherries, that are loved by children ... or this pink tomato, delicious in salads ... And now we have a surplus of tomatoes, especially pear, which will serve us to preserve, because it is the most appropriate tomato --because it has a softer flesh and very few seeds--. If a variety of tomato, like this pink tomato, splendid, and I has been good for you, in the vegetable garden, do not you forget to remove the seeds and save them, for next year; It is simple, with tomato, fully mature, we take the seeds, on a paper, and put them to dry; and, once dry, we put them, in a small tin, and they will last us several years”
While Ramón was talking about tomato, you could read the following: Once dry tomato seeds, can last us several years.
Ramón: “Earthlings: suspecting the Autumn, just nearby, enjoy Nature, always wise and beautiful, and do not you forget to keep these seeds, which are key crops of your tomatoes next year”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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