Today, I should like to show you a very interesting video, about the Autumn in Spain. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Voice in off: “Sadness, tiredness, difficulty for sleeping ..., this time of year not only makes the leaves fall, but also our spirit ... it is the "autumn asthenia" and it is determined mainly by the loss of hours of sun, in the day; who best know this phenomenon are the Meteorologists”
Ana Casals (spokeswoman in AEMET): “Autumn is, for very many sites in the Spanish geography, time of year when it rains more. It is not the same as having a sunny day than a gray day, and, yes, greatly affects the mood of the people”
Voice in off: “The September 21, we lived the Autumn Equinox, at which there are 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night; we lose light, until December 21 (the longest night of the year)”
Ana Casals: “In Madrid, the difference would be in 2 hours 56 minutes”
Voice in off: “On the roof of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), they are responsible for measuring the time difference, of solar exposure, with this apparatus, the Pireliómetro”
Juan Ramon Moreta (Manager Atmosphere Watch, in the AEMET): “What is it that it will continuously follow the sun, and, through this small tube, through this hole, sunlight enters and, if it exceeds a certain level, it is when it is considered that there is sun……The sunrise and sunset are shortened ... about 2 or 3 minutes, now, and, as we go to Christmas, one minute, or less, every day”
A reporter in the program “La mañana”): “Around the cold and lack of light can make us feel more decayed; but it is important to know that the autumnal asthenia passes and we can do our part, to take it better”
Jose Luis Pedreira (Psychiatrist at the Clinic La Luz): “These are states of spirit, one is having and one is taking control of them. Sometimes we are more irritable; What to do ?, go to the family doctor, the family doctor values it and on that valuation of family doctor, specialists may value it”
Voice in off: “If this decay goes far more, the specialist can order tests to rule out that it is a depression”
Carlos Pardo (Manager Nuclear Medicine Service, at the Foundation Jimenez Diaz): “This machine is a gammacamera, which allows us to perform a study of the brain, in 3 dimensions. What interests us is to study this area, which is the front area, where alterations in brain function are described, in patients with depressive symptoms”
Voice in off: “In most cases, these studies are not necessary, because this discouragement is transitory”
Jose Luis Pedreira: “If you get your thinking how gray the day is and how sad you are, you do not go out; but, if you think: well, today is not as gray day, a little light is going out behind the clouds ...., see the positive in what you think as negative; to give value to the positive, it is absolutely our question, it is what is called Assertiveness”
Voice in off: “We can not prevent that days are shortened, either the winter approaches; but the way we live it”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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