Today I would like to share with you an important news: “Spanish scientists discovered in broccoli properties against lymphatic leukemia”
A study, led by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and with the participation of Gregorio Marañon hospital and the Princess, both of Madrid, has discovered the pharmaceutical properties of the indole-3-carbinol, for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It is a naturally occurring compound in plants Brassicas, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.




Brussels sprouts
Although this compound is well tolerated by body, it has a toxic effect, on certain leukemia cells. The results were published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.
In the in vitro study some cells of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, with different stages and prognosis. The data show that through the drugs, you can achieve concentrations of this compound, that kill leukemic cells, but not normal lymphocytes, "essential in the immune system". The study's authors also note that indole-3-carbinol "significantly improves" the effect of the fludarabine, one of the most used, in the treatment of this leukemia compounds, even in patients who were resistant to this drug.
"The results indicate that indole-3-carbinol enhances the therapeutic activity of fludarabine and other drugs. Therefore, these combination therapies could be used to combat chronic lymphocytic leukemia, even in patients who developed recurrences and multidrug resistance to standard treatments", says Juan Manuel Zapata, CSIC researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Research "Alberto Sols".
Last September 2014, Zapata and Gema Perez --scientist at the same centre of research-- registered the patent of indole-3-carbinol, as a new drug capable of acting against diseases, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia and Burkitt's lymphoma. This compound is a potent toxic against some tumor cells.
One of the main features, offered by this compound, is its action against cancer cells, in patients with different stages of disease and in those with resistance to treatment. Its interaction with the Fludarabine, reactive and power and its effect, on cells from patients resistant to this drug.
Although by the moment, this technology has not been bided by a company, its possible oral administration and the existence of previous studies of toxicity in humans, demonstrating its high tolerance and low toxicity, could allow rapid clinical application.
Well, I hope that have considered this news such interesting as I did.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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