Today I want to show you an interesting video, in which they talk about the collection of red pepper, in the region of Caceres called La Vera, which will become paprika, for cooking.
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Voice in off: “From mid-September to mid-October, about a month, it is what does the pepper harvest season, in the region of Caceres, known as La Vera The weather, which has made the previous weeks, has favored them”
While the Voice in off was speaking, you could read, on the image: Paprika from La Vera. Smoked with oak wood.
Angel Nevado (A farmer): “The harvest, in general, for me, in my case, very healthy and very good.It is seen a 95 percent mature; ie, very well. The weather has been with us long enough, to reach this maturity, that we have; and rotting, thanks to healthy and good weather, there is few”
Voice in off: “ It is taken from the field to the dryers, where farmers own dried pepper, as it has always been: with smoke and heat from the oak wood; and it is precisely this process that differentiates the paprika of Vera –product with Certificate of Origin, which has already become synonymous with quality--. Farmers complain that industries pay them less than two years ago” .
Angel Nevado: “Three years ago, the charge to 3.25 and this year, 3 Euros; ie, this is getting to us ..... they have risen us fertilizer, workers, goes around us, and the price ... you have seen….to downward .... ....; as it does not mitigate a little bit ... I think, at the end, nobody will mitigate it”
Voice in off: “From the dryer, it goes over the mills of the processing industries; It is needed among 4 and 5 hours, so that the final result is this: a thin and uniform paprika”
Julia Fernandez Romero (Paprika “Red-haired”): “That smell and that taste is unmistakable. It has a stability and a durability, which has no other paprika; we are talking about the color, taste and smell, that have a duration, about a year and a half, and that no aprika has, it in the world”.
Voice in off: “This season, 438 farmers have cultivated 1,149 hectares of pepper, for the production of paprika, protected by the Certificate of Origin”
José Bonifacio Sanchez Cruz (Technical Secretary of the Control Board Certificate of Origin "Paprika from La Vera"): “It is consumed, by 60 percent, in the domestic market, linked to, mostly, to the production of meat products of quality (the Iberian pig) and, little by little, is being incorporated to export trade, always in smaller containers, small containers, which are intended for the catering and hotel industry ”
Voice in off: “In the cooking, the Paprika from La Vera adds a special touch, to the dishes”
David Moreno (kitchen manager hotel “Villa Xarahiz”): “Here, we have two clear example of what is the traditional cooking, where paprika was used very well: stews, crumbs and revolconas(tumble) potatoes; to finish the dish, you have to bring a lot of paprika, to enhance the potato and has a touch of the shepherds. And a small dish, a little more current, which are stuffed tomatoes of painted pickled, the Paprika from La Vera, in which we have wanted to give it another form and otherwise use, as were the pickling brine, a great food additive, and apart that smoky touch”
Guadalupe Peromingo (Voice in off. Editorial office Extremadura): “The Paprika fro La Vera has already gained, by its own merits, a gap in the market, for high quality products"
Well, I hope that you have liked this video and you can buy this special paprika. Bon appetite!.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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