Today, I should like to share with you a saying, that I never had heard: “Aceite y Romero frito, balsamo bendito” = “Oil and fried rosemary, blessed balm”. This one was a very old saying and it was a good recipe for yagas (skin wounds, produced when a person is a long time in bed). And it is told so by the Spanish writer, Miguel de Cervantes, in his book “La gitanilla”.

Oil and rosemary
But, apart fro the benefict for skin, oil with rosemary are good against respiratory problems and muscle aches.
You can buy oil mixed with rosemary; but it is cheaper if you make it at home. I should like to teach you how doing it.
First of all, you must wash the rosemary, let it dry completely and place it, in a container whole, without taking of anything. Fill the entire container of rosemary.
Then, add olive oil, until it covers all the rosemary. Cover the bowl and let it marinate, in a dark place, where not receive any type of light. It must stand so, at least one month.
Past the month, you must strain the oil and already you have ready your home rosemary oil!. As you see, it is a very simple procedure, that requires only ingredients. Rosemary oil is very beneficial for blood circulation and hair loss,; therefore, and cause of its many properties, its use is highly recommended. Another very beneficial and desirable oil, that you can also do by yourself, it is coconut oil.
Well, I hope that you have like the saying and you can try to make the recipe.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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