Yesterday, the closing ceremony of the Congress of the European Popular Party was held in Madrid. As main guests, they were: Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy.
I should like to show you a video, where you can watch about that the Closing of that Congress, because, yesterday, we knew that unemployment fell by almost 300,000 people . If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Mariano Rajoy (The President of Spain): “We have known, in Spain, the best unemployment figures, in years; we are happy and proud, because believe me, it has been hard and difficult; but today we can say: we have achieved it”.
Alvaro Zancajo (the presenter of the Antena 3 News in the night): “Rajoy declare himself proud of the achievements, to delegates of the Congress of the European Popular Party. First of all, he assured also that much remains to be done and that recovery can only be terminated to ensure the stability, which only provides his party and not with the paralysis –he has said-- of the Socialists or the "fashioned soft-drink", representing the other parties --so called by Mariano Rajoy--. The Congress has become a meeting of European leaders, supporting Rajoy, before the next Election; we will expand data, in live, Pilar Ruipérez”
Pilar Ruipérez (Reporter): “Yes, indeed, Alvaro, here we heard successive supports, to Mariano Rajoy, in the electoral race of December. The President, who delivered a speech defending the policies of the centre-right, which are the only one that work --according he has said and he gave the example of Spain-- and the only security they bring, now can be threatened –he has said-- by the disastrous policies of the Socialists or the options, radicals, populists and separatists”
Voice in off: “They have told him in several languages…”
Angela Merkel (The Chancellor of Germany): “We wish you all the best, the Popular Party and you, personally, Mariano”
Donald Tusk (President of the European Council): “Mariano, we are with you”
Nicolás Sarkozy (Ex-President of France): “We will come back, here, at the end of the year, with a Spanish Prime Minister, called Mariano Rajoy, once more”
Voice in off: “Rajoy takes the backing from the European leaders of the PP and, with renewed energy, he leaps to the run-up to the campaign; he attacks the government pacts, as which is being hatched, in Portugal, against the most voted list, and that is what the PP wants to avoid here”
Mariano Rajoy (President of the Government): “Coalitions of losers want to join forces, to end the moderate majorities of our society; to achieve, through treaties, what they failed at the polls”
Voice in off: “He brands the socialist policy as "damaging, unfair and bad for people”
Mariano Rajoy: “They are in red numbers, in intolerable deficits, in negative growth and job losses”
Voice in off: “And critics divided among Ciudadanos and Podemos”
Mariano Rajoy: “We, the Popular Europeans, are not a fashioned soft-drink or a fever for a day, or an old failed idea, that masquerades as news; we are the European Grand Party”
Voice in off: “Against those, who qualify for old and new demagogues, Rajoy claimed the centre-right, as a political family, which has established employment and the welfare state”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video and you want to comment something about it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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