The last Saturday --After the Ceremony of the Princess Asturias Prizes-- our King, Philip VI, delivered, together with the Queen Letizia, a prize to the people of Colombres, distinguishing it as "Exemplary Village of Asturias".
The King gave an emotional speech, which clearly alluded to the history of Colombres, which is marked by the emigration to America. So, there, you can see many American style houses.


Indian architecture
Colombres belongs to the Council of Rivadedeva and its inhabitants welcomed fondly to our Kings. If you want to watch the video of this “Royal visit”, please click on the link below:
Monica Carrillo (Presenter of the Antena 3 News in the night at weekend): “The King Philip VI asked, last night, that "no one builds walls with feelings", a clear allusion to the sovereignty pulse, in Catalonia.He included those words, in the speech delivery of Princess of Asturias Prizes. The events end today, as it is tradition, with the visit of the Kings to the Exemplary Village, a prize that, this year, went to the townVillage of Colombres, Silvia González, where they have received them with enthusiasm”
Silvia González (Reporter of Spanish Television): “With great enthusiasm, good afternoon, but I must say that the Kings have responded by far those signs of affection, and they have stopped, they have been photographed and they have practically greeted all attendees, who accompanied them, in their walk. Mr. Felipe and Mrs. Letizia has stopped, in several positions of popular crafts, and have been interested, in the Indian architecture and stories of migrants, who make it unique to this village; the King, precisely, stressed in his speech, the solidary and of cooperation character of their neighbors. At this time, the Kings have lunch, in a popular food, with all its neighbors, who, no doubt, they will not soon forget this day”
Voice in off: “It has been a long wait”
A girl: “It is to have already done the homework, because, otherwise, I have no time”
Voice in off: “But you had to wait…”
A lady: “I am so old; I am lucky to see him, then look how well..”
Voice in off: “And, with a few minutes late, Mr. Felipe and Mrs. Letizia arrived to Colombres. One by one, they have been greeting to all the residents of this Asturian town”
Another young lady: “We have given the hand to both: the King and the Queen”
A third lady: “The truth is that they are lovely”
Another girl: “It is like strange, because she is the Queen; then…..”
A boy: “The Kings are persons…..unique…”
Voice in off: “The Kings have stopped, at this leather workshop”
A very young woma: “A small detail, that we want to have with the Queen”
Voice in off: “Also, in this position of handmade embroidery ... or in this wood sculpture workshop”
Voice in off: “And they have received, with appreciation, the affection of its neighbors, how these slides ....”
Another very young woman: “It is a gift, that they had made to me, when he was in Montevideo, and he was very excited to see them”
Voice in off: “Colombres is unique cause of its Indian architecture……….. And, Mr.Felipe has stressed precisely this spirit of openness to the world”
Mr. Felipe VI (The King): “At present, so difficult, which is lived by humanity, when it prevents life in freedom, to humans, in many places, we look back to communities, like this of Colombres, to find the virtues and principles, that make a village great”
Well, I hope that you have liked this news and you can go to Colombres, any day.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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