Today, I should like to show you a video, where you can watch a special fish from Baleares, named “Raor”. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Voice in off: “Raor fishing (the "little parrot fish") unleashes passions between amateur fishermen, in Baleares (East of Spain). The same day, --the first of Septiembre--, when the close season is lifted, and, sometimes, challenging the status of the sea --as it happened this year—you go fishing. Arrived at destination, Pep Lluis and his children are preparing reeds, they place the bait --small prawn-- and they wait the moment comes”
Pep Lluis Serna (fisherman): “If we take the first one .... this is a little big, you have to enjoy right out; but I am in favor of that, as smaller they are, they are more good for eating, they are more palatable”
Voice in off: “It is also common that, at this time of year, reeds rise “Pajeles” ("sea bream") and "Pedasos" (the famous "fish Bothus Podas"), similar to sole ... However, the objective, pursued and longed more are "Raós "”
Pep Lluis: “You have to wait until September 1, to get out to catch it, then people ... it is not like going to the mountain or cows, that you can go all year, this fish, as you have a season, people go like crazy to catch it, it is normal”
Lluis Mestres (Reporter on the Editorial office Baleares): ”The start of the season of fishing “Raor”, the "parrot fish" since ever calls together, in Baleares, hundreds of fishermen, who go out to sea; they do not want to miss the opportunity, to capture, to catch this prized fish”
Pep Lluis: “Here, we are going crazy to get it; so, for this reason, in the Market El Olivar, if you go to buy it, sometimes it has been to 90 Euros per kilogram .... all are tastes .....; man, I supose it is normal that who buy the fish is because it can not go to catch it; and there are people who are fanatical ...: just as there are people, who like to eat a piece of lobster, this fish is so prized”
Luis Mestres (Voice in off): “The Raor, in the Central Market of Palma (the Marke of the Olivar), exceeds 60 Euros per kilo; it contrasts with the price of the Llampuga --another popular fish, that, in its passage through the Balearic Islands, it is subject to significant catches”
Well, here has finished this video and I hope that you have liked it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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