Today I want to show you a recipe, known in any part of Andalusia as “Lomo de orza” (Cooked loin in an earthenware pot). It is known throughout Andalusia, because to cook, is used a vessel of which there are up to six types, depending on the area; this vessel is called "Orza" and it is usually made of clay --although you can also use a jar--.

Now, I am going to tell you what ingredients you need to cook this dish for four persons: 500 grams of pork loin. Olive oil. For the marinade: 3 cloves of garlic. 250 grams of oil. 150 grams of apple cider vinegar. 1 small spoon (for coffee) with sweet paprika. 1 small spoon with oregano. 1 small spoon with fine salt.
Well. For the making, you have to do the following: In a bowl, make it a little just for meat, put the garlic cloves, minced as thin as possible, oil, vinegar, salt, and stir, until everything is emulsified. Leave the meat in the marinade, at least 24 hours.
After this time, drain the meat from the marinade and place it, in a saucepan, to make a snug, cover with olive oil and simmer for 15 minutes; let cool and keep on cooking oil in a closed pot (the best is an earthenware pot, as I said before), until use. Thus, preserved in oil, meat keeps well, up to a month.
For the presentation, you have to drain the oil, cut the meat, as thin as possible, and serve the cold meat.
And this must be the result:

The meat into the earthenware pot

The meat on a plate
Well, I hope that you can try to cook it and tell me about the experience, if you want.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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