The last Saturday, in the morning, I could listen, on the radio, a comment about Mycology in Spain; yes, because two famous Spanish journalists were talking about the wonderful experience of picking mushrooms, in the Valley of Ezcaray, on the occasion of the XXIV Mycological Conferences Friends of Ezcaray, celebrated from last October 30 to November 8. (Ezcaray is a pioneer municipality, arranging Mycological Exhibition in Spain). So, I thought that, probably, you would like to know how the world of mycology, in southern Spain --and particularly in the Gibraltar Field—, is.

Ezcaray (La Rioja), Northwest of Spain
Please, look how nice the poster, that announces “The third Mycological Conferences of the Strait”, is.

These are some days of educational and scientific character, on the knowledge of our region of Gibraltar Field. A natural richness, little bit knownof our natural environment and mycological richnes and less known recognised. Conferences, mushroom picking, identification and practices. Taught by renowned speakers.
The last day 13, the jury of the First Photo Contest "Mushrooms from Los Alcornocales" was met. The day 16, the awards were presented and, after that ceremony, the Exhibition of the Photographs was opened, in the Hotel Montera, in Los Barrios (Cadiz).

Hotel "Montera Plaza"

Photographs for the Contest

The last day 14, an “Initiation Workshop to the Mycology”, with AAVV Lazareto, was done. Alejandro Valle gave a talk.

Alejandro Valle giving a talk
But, they also went to field, in order to search mushrooms, as you see below. And they followed with another activities, the rest of the week.

Mushroom named: "Amanita Pantherina"

Mushroom named: "Lactarius Chrysorreus"

Mushroom named: "Amanita Caesarea"

Mushroom named: "Omphalotus Olearius"
I think this world of mushrooms is very interesting --though I do not understand anything about it--. Maybe you are interested, in knowing it or perhaps you are an amateur and you want to attend, next year, to the possible IV Mycological Conferences of the Strait. In that case, you will have to send an application form, to the Association Marei, in Algeciras, ( and pay 20 Euros. If you have any question, please call the telephone number 637 571 835.
Well, I hope that you have liked this post and I also hope that you can comenext year, to Los Barrios.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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