Last night, I watched, on television, a very nice commercial. At the beginning, I thought that it was a trailer, because it looked like a Spanish film; but, at the end, I saw it was an advert of the company Campofrio (food company: cooked ham, etc).
I loved this advert, because it spoke of a very human and very positive feelings, such as: the hope --which should not be missed ever--. And above all, it made a bet, very firm, in favour of LIFE.
Pay attention, at the end of the advert, because you can watch the main and so famous square of Chinchón (a very nice village, that I recommend you, situated 44 kilometres to the south east of Madrid).

Chinchón, Madrid

Main square in Chinhón, Madrid
If you want to watch this video, please click below:
The comatose patient opens his eyes.
The nurse is looking at the patient and shouts: “Doctor……Doctor…..!”
The Doctor: “It has been a long time ... it is difficult to determine what he has forgotten ...You must go slowly ..... As the world is, it can be a shock for him .... it is a bit like starting all over again”.
The patient´s wife: “This is your daughter”
….music (the song: “Volver” = “Return”)………
The patient´s wife: “You put on that….very much”
The patient´s wife: “This ……….is love”
A patient´s friend: “Come here……., you are here……welcome….”
The patient´s wife: “This is your family”
The patient´s wife: “These are your friends”
A friend: “Squiiiiid……………What happens?!”
Another friend: “That is not your team”
The patient´s daughter: “I can not explain you this one”
The patient´s wife: “This is a hangover”
The patient´s wife: “This……is your village”
The daughter: “Daaaad…..!..............Brake!!!”
The waiter: “This……to whet your appetite”
A friend with glasses: “This is a disaster ....., soon we will not be able to go out, and say what we think or what we like to eat or breathe or anything .......... What feels like is to get in bed, close your eyes and not open them again .....”
A friend beside: “Are you fool….or what happens with you?”
A friend with glasses: “I….what I mean….”
The patient: “Right, right, I know what you mean…, the world has not changed much; but believe me that there are too many things, every day .... why worth opening your eyes, wake up,……. leaving to live up .... ....... ..... This………. is life”
Another friend: “The siesta has been good for you…, Eh, friend…?.....Spanish siesta… Eh?, of true ones…. Eh?”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video, such as I did. I also hope this new year brings PEACE to our world; that wars disappear; that distances among brothers, among parents and children, and among different people are shorter. And I hope that all of us are able to value everything good, that we have: health, family, friends…….
I wish you a very happy New Year 2016.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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