On day 6, the Three Kings brought me several books with recipes and, one of those books have a recipe, that has a funny tittle: “Sopa de gato de Cádiz” ("Cat soup from Cadiz"), in the south western Spain. So I would like to show you the recipe for this dish. It is a very simple soup.
These are the Ingredients (for four persons): 400 grams of stale bread. 4 cloves of garlic. Oil and salt.
First, you have to cut the bread into thin slices and put them, in a clay pot.
Now, you take the garlic, peel and fry them whole, in a pan, plenty of oil. Then, put water and salt –but, be careful, because it can splash--.
When the broth of the Cat soup starts to boil, pour the liquid over the bread, which should be very soggy. Try it, if it is to your liking. Then, take it to the oven, with the hot grill, in order to grill it, for about five minutes. So, we have a Cat soup from Cadiz, with mild garlic flavor.
And this one must be the result:

Well, I hope that you have liked the recipe and you can try to cook it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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