Near the village of Albacete, Riópar, is one of the most spectacular natural wonders of Spain, the source of the river Mundo (World). This river, which the locals call Reventón (puncture), has its source in a karst cave, filled to overflowing and precipitates vacuum. Riópar, also it has a wide network of houses, that will serve you to rest a few days, in the middle of nature.
Although this river is called World, it does not refer to the substantive World, but the adjective "world" (opposite of "unclean"), ie clean, washed, clear).
Well, but yesterday I could watch on tv a report about the river Mundo and I thought that it was an impressive place, which I should like to show you, in case you do not know it. Then, if you want to watch the video, please click below:
Alba Dueñas (The presenter of the report): “Water, vegetation and limestone welcome us to one of the seven wonders of Spain.The river rural Mundo travels around 130 kilometres and its flow varies according to the season, the proof is the 60 liters per second, that it took last Summer, and has come to reach 70,000 liters per second, last Spring ............. Federico: We are just where the Mundo is born”
Federico Ballesta: ”Yes, we have all the evidences, here, of that is true ...; we are in a karst amphitheatre, a sack-shaped valley, which is only open on the north face, which is where the river World escapes, to go in the direction of the Segura (river) and the Mediterranean Sea”
Note: The Mundo is the main tributary of the Segura.
While Federico was speaking, you could read the following: Federico Ballesta. He guides us through the Calar of the river Mundo. It is a sack-shaped valley. Only open on the north face.
Alba: “When the river Mundo multiplies its flow per thousand, the locals you give a special name”
Federico: “We call it the Reventón, by the noise, which is produced, dropping all that amount of water, from 84 meters .... We know exactly ... ,or almost exactly, when it shall occur, because a pluviometer, that we have here up the Calar, tells us that, when they fall 200 or 220 liters per square meter, within a week, is when the Cave is loading and the Reventón occurs”
Note: Reventón is similar than “blowout” in a wheel of a car.
Calar refers to this: The Natural Park of the Calares of the river Mundo is a protected natural area located to the southwest of the province of Albacete.There are several Calares and another names, and one of them is the Calar of the river Mundo.
While Federico was speaking, you could read, on the image: The peak flow lasts 24 hours.
Rain and snow are filtered. They go to the Cueva de los Chorros (Cave of the Streams).
Federico: “All that water comes from up here, where we are right now, in this Calar, they are rainwater, that are filtering .., they are collected by the sinkholes, the poljes, the simas..and it goes out through the collector, through the main drainage, which is the Cueva de los Chorros, under us, 1222 metres high.... Its dimensions are 21 metres wide by 15 high .... Everything has been done primarily by the dissolution of water, by a limestone, which is highly fractured, it is very porous .., water has ability to go opening holes”.
Note: While Federico was speaking, you could read the following: Water and snow are filtered.
Alba Dueñas (in off): “And, from the limestone of the river Mundo, to the limestone of Riópar Viejo”
Note: The river Mundo is born among the villages Vianos and Riópar (Albacete, Eastern Spain).
While the presenter was speaking, you could read: We move about Riópar Viejo.
Alba: “A charming village, with narrow streets, where the silence surprises us ... because, Miguel, you are between the few, who live during all the year, in the village”
Miguel Raneau (Rural houses “El Arranca”): “That is right, effectively. My wife and I live all year, because this village was abandoned, in the year 96, when Samuel died, and then there was a group of people and .... we personally made houses, as second houses and as rural tourism”.
Note: While Miguel was speaking, you could read: The village was uninhabited and was dedicated to rural tourism”
Miguel: “This is one of our houses and, as you can see, the decor is modern, in a rustic atmosphere ... Its facilities include: a spacious kitchen, a bathroom with hydromassage; we have a courtyard-garden, with barbecue, for people to enjoy and is, there, at fresh air, with its family and friends, because our motto is that people feel themselves like at home”
Well, I hope that you have liked the video and also you can go to that area.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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