I want to show you a curious video about pastry making: on an original dessert called "Merle" --invented in a family business (“La flor y nata” = “The crème de la crème”),from Astorga (León),north western Spain--. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Juan Pablo Carpintero (Reporter): ”Life gives you surprises, Astorga pastry making gives you surprises.... What are you doing now?”
Jose Manuel Ruiz (Pastry cook): ”I am preparing the puff pastry, to line the molds 0f The Merles”
Juan Pablo: “Only you sell them…”
Jose Manuel: “Only I make them”
Juan Pablo: “Since when?”
Jose Manuel: “But…..from 35, that my grandfather took the sweet shop ...., I think that it was done”
Juan Pablo: “Well, for the puff pastry: flour, water ....”
Jose Manuel: “vegetable margarine…….. and affection”
Juan Pablo: “And affection ... come on, nothing, give it affection there ...., let us go to the rolling mill”
Juan Pablo: “I see that you do not leave it very thin, you leave it rather thick”
Jose Manuel: “Well ... to its measure, because if it is very thin, then they do not fit”
Juan Pablo: “The molds are metallic, made to measure”
Jose Manuel: “Dough…. Flour, over it…….and to give it.........”
Juan Pablo: “The secret is not in the mass, but in what is inside”
Jose Manuel: “In the filling, in the filling…, yes sir…”
Jose Manuel: “Juan Pablo, take this one to the walk-in freezer and let it settle”
Juan Pablo: “Come on”
Juan Pablo: “For the filling, Jose, the ingredients, that I am seeing here, are: eggs, margarine and sugar, and you are going to tell us how it is done ...”
Jose Manuel: “Well, this is going to be no, I am not going to tell you the secret”
Juan Pablo: “You have a secret….!”
Jose Manuel: “Of course…, the secret is how it is done….. Yes, but you can not look ......, no no no ....”
Juan Pablo: “But, let me a little bit…”
Another cook: “You out, this can not be seen, it is a secret”
Juan Pablo: “Here, I am seeing a notebook from 1935”
Jose Manuel: “This is a book of my grandfather, who pointed what was manufactured, when there were important celebrations”
Juan Pablo: “They lacked cakes and bones .... Always lacked ...?, I mean that there was good ..... eh?”
Jose Manuel: “Well, it looks that it was sold well ... and that ... pay attention to shortage, that there was ....”
Juan Pablo: “Now you let me see ..., eh?”
Jose Manuel: “Now, it is already prepared”
Juan Pablo: “Well, Is it already?”
Jose Manuel: “Yes. We are going to fill…….Come on”
Juan Pablo: “That is like pouring, right?”
Jose Manuel: “This you need a lot of skill, in order that it does not leak out of the cup .....”
Juan Pablo: “twenty-two minutes at 250 degrees”
Jose Manuel: “We have them .... twenty-two minutes .... and cooked .....”
Juan Pablo: “Uau…how it smells…..”
Jose Manuel: “That must be left to cool, because you can not touch it, of course, and the filling should come out. Tighten, on its edges, and, if not, you have to warm up the tin a little bit, because if it does not go out.....”
Juan Pablo: “Look, look…..it is going out….”
Jose Manuel: “This one..., do not believe that……it has work…”
Juan Pablo: “Where do you have the machine, that mechanically extract it out?”
Jose Manuel: “I have there someone, who is the machine, that extracts it out”
Juan Pablo: “Well, what I am going to do is to taste it now”
Jose Manuel: “To taste more ...?, If you have not stopped, since you have come ....”
Juan Pablo: “What are you saying…..?. Scientific research, journalistic investigation”
Jose Manuel: “I see, I see, you have eaten too much”
Juan Pablo: “Man, my God .... Nothing, gentlemen, you know: with eggs, flour, butter you can made endless combinations and, from one of them, goes out "The Merle from Astorga"….Thank you, Jose Manuel"
Jose Manuel: “You are welcome. To you”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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