I have just found a news, that has attracted my attention: “A Spanish doctor has been chosen as one of the thirty young, under 30, more influential in Europe”, according to the “Forbes” magazine.
This young Spanish doctor (29 years old) is the leader in the category of Science and Health. His name is César Velasco Muñoz and deputy Medical Director of the Clinical Universitary Hospital of Zaragoza (North eastern Spain).

César Velasco Muñoz
César has been interviewed on the radio and explained how he knew of his nomination. He said he was called, by Forbes, several months ago, in order to update his Curriculum vitae, to know if it corresponded with what they expected; but he did not expect to be one of the 30 chosen --and less that he should be chosen the first in the list. He says he stayed speechless--.
Cesar looks this nomination humbly; but he does not it to remain in a mere mention, but it represents the efforts of a whole generation of young people, who are struggling to get a place in the professional world.
Cesar is specialized, in Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and it is unusual, for this type of Awards, to remember his specialty. He says that, in Spain, there are very good professionals, in this specialty; but also his specialty is not sufficiently recognized.
Preventive Medicine and Public Health is a very broad field, is a multidisciplinary field that combines several facets of Medicine and Health: from epidemiology, vaccines, prevention of diseases that are transmitted and nontransmissibles --as the obesity--; it also has a component of Health Administration --and what he is doing, in Administration and Management of Health, which is something to which he is working as now, to expand knowledge, in his career, and that is what he is doing in the Clinical Hospital of Zaragoza. And it also has a component of health research. All these branches are united in the Specialty, that Cesar chose, because it was the most one that he liked, going from Madrid to Barcelona.
Indeed, César made the Specialty in Barcelona, he has worked at the European Centre for Disease Control; also he went to Sierra Leone, to learn more about the Ebola virus. It has also been designated Expert of the World Health Organization on this disease. He was also investigating in Mozambique. He notes, as very advantageous to his career, the fact of having learned language. He also adds he won Scholarships, at the Universities of Harvard and Boston.
Cesar says that it has been a big challenge, to have accepted this post, in the Clinical Hospital of Zaragoza. But, even though it is a personal challenge, he wants to emphasize that it is a challenge for many young people, like him, who want to show their responsibility and enthusiasm, to face projects that can advance society.
Cesar belongs to the Spanish Society of Vaccinology and, right now, along with Dr. Maria Jose Alvarez Pasquín, is leading the web: vacunas.org, which is a website that has a very long history, and they are catching it up and, at the same time, they are making a major project in Social Networks and other scientific projects.
Cesar also said that, in the Clinical Hospital of Zaragoza, they are developing a "sanitary product for women", very interesting; but they need funding, in order to formalize the patent.
Cesar insists that this award, which has received, can serve to raise awareness, in the sense that they see that young people –Cesar is only 29 years old-- have ideas and willingness to work; but they need funding, to carry out their projects.
Well, I hope that you have liked to know about this young but great Spanish Doctor, César Velasco Muñoz. Do not forget him.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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