Today, I should like to show you the recipe of the Ratatouille, typical from Spain. We name it: “Pisto”, but, it is really named “Pisto manchego” (Pisto from La Mancha, in the centre of Spain).
The ratatouille consists on a fry-up various vegetables of variable composition.
The word “Pisto” comes from “Pistare”, that means “meat juice”. But, other authors think that it comes from Latin: “Pistus”, that means: “Crushed”.
But the dish is transformed, with the progressive incorporation of tomato and pepper, to the Spanish cuisine.
Formerly, the peasants of La Mancha used products from vegetable garden; but above all: red peppers, green peppers, tomatoes and some courgettes; but the vegetables used often vary greatly depending on the area, season and local tastes, etc. However, we can say that it always takes tomato and pepper and it is also often lead onion, garlic, courgette, etc. All these ingredients are prepared cut into small dice, no more than half a centimetre. You poach vegetables, in a pan, with olive oil and, when they are ready, let stand for half an hour.
You can use eggplant, instead of courgette. In Mallorca, that dish is named: “Tumbet”.
In some parts of La Mancha, you can find ratatouille, with crushed garlic with cumin.
Well, now I am going to give you the Ingredients of my recipe: 4 medium courgettes. 2 medium tomatoes. 1 red pepper. 1 green pepper. 2 medium onions. 200 grams of Serrano ham. Olive oil. Salt.
For its preparation, you must do the following: Place the peppers, in a baking dish, sprinkle with salt and put oil. Then, you have to put the baking dish, in the oven, at 180 degrees Celsius and roast peppers from 20 to 30 minutes . When they are to the point, cover with a kitchen towel, to sweat. Peel them, slice them and remove the seeds. Then, cut the ham in small dice and keep all.
Peel the onions and cut into rings.
Peel the tomatoes and courgettes, remove the seeds and cut them into pieces.
In a saucepan saute the onions over low heat, for 10 minutes. When browned, add the pepper and 4 minutes later, the courgettes and tomatoes. Add a little bit of salt.
Moving, constantly, and let the vegetables end up doing. It will spend about 20 minutes.
In a saucepan, over low heat, saute the ham until golden brown .. add to skillet. Cook for about 2 minutes.
In the end, serve hot ratatouille.
And this one must be the result:

Well, I hope that you have liked this recipe and I hope that you can try to cook it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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