I should like to show you a nice video, about one of the nicer trees, that you can see in Spring: Almond tree.
If you want to watch the video, please click on the Link below:
Vicente Rubio (Voice in off and Reporter): “The almonds, in blossom, are the first of the year, which give us their whiteness. Juan (a good knowledge of their properties), reminds us and gives us, in turn, a few tricks: trick of green almond.......”
A lady: “But if it is Mr. Juan Plantas……..Come up…, that from tv….”
Juan Plantas (Ethnobotanist Association Sábila): “What were you doing….strolling over here, through the park?”
The lady: “Strolling to see this one”
Juan Plantas: “Yes?, Do you know it well?”
The lady: “Well”
Juan Plantas: “Well, if you want to join us, while we speak of almond trees, mainly ..”
Juan Plantas: “From almond, besides it fruits --that we all know, Who not?-- of course, you obtain oil, almond oil is obtained, and also milk, almond milk is obtained; additionally, you can use its leaves, you can use its bark....; ie, it is a tree, which practically gives us almost all, it is a generous tree. Well, a secret is that this tree is one of the best restorers of skin problems, for skin spots. We catch a mortar; we catch a handful of almonds, clean, peeled; we mash with a little orange flower water, until a baby food is made; is added a little bit more orange flower water –around 150 milliliters--; then, we strain well and squeeze and you put compresses or give it in scrubs --but especially compresses, on face--, and it is extraordinary for all skin problems: acne, spots and any other complaint that there was”
Juan: “The leaves and flowers can be used in infusion, and are so good for exhaustion, for excessive tiredness, for the spring asthemias, now arriving, we felt it costs us to move, it is ideal to make an infusion, with only 20 grams of leaves, per liter of water, during the day, slowly, with little sips, and that is going to be just right for us, to regain energy and recover the vigour, after winter. Scent, color ... everything is so attractive, that is continually visited by bees and other insects, that help the process of pollination”.
The lady: “I thought that you were older ... on TV”
Juan: “But, I thank you….But this one is work by them…., who bring me up very old, in order that I do not show off me….”
Vicente Rubio (Reporter): “Many more remedies await us, on the path plant. Somebody, tv makes fat and, to others, older ...., like Juan”.
Well, I hope that you have liked this video.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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