Today, I should like to talk you about an important news: “A Spanish company invent a glasses for blind people”. I think that it is a very important advance, in order that this people do not need the help by a cane or a guide dog.
The Spanish company “Quality Objects” has created a prototype augmented reality glasses for people with blindness or low visibility that turn obstacles into "three-dimensional sound", with which its creators (Antonio Quesada and Miguel Benages, Director of the ONCE –Organizacion Nacional de Ciegos de España = National Organization of the Blind of Spain--) intend to supplement or even "replace" other methods of support, as cane or guide dog, as explained by the company responsible for the invention.

Antonio Quesada

Miguel Benages
Thus, new glasses 'Retriever', connected to a smartphone with Android operating system, emit sounds to different tones and different frequencies, to warn the wearer of the situation of the obstacles and the distance, at which they are located. To do this, the lenses include sensors similar to those, used by modern cars to help park, through a "three-dimensional sound image", and incorporate gyroscope, compass and GPS, to guide blind people.

In this way, the new device will be able not only to guide the person, to a specific location, but also to detect furniture and stairs, avoid branches at head height, avoid obstacles, as lampposts or trees, and walk parallel to a wall, "similarly to the way a bat in the dark", as indicated by the Director of “Quality Objects”, César Carralero, who has indicated that it will be necessary for users to receive "a simple hand training from professionals".
In addition, he explained that the model will incorporate an emergency button, to connect to a service of assistance and rescue, if necessary, and it could prove "very useful", for the elderly, as they have indicated.
Its creators hope to start marketing the virtual reality glasses, from next May, for a price, as they have announced, "it will not exceed 200 euros", through specialized vision centres.
I have watched a video, in which, they explain you how this glasses works. If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Marron: “We always try to bring the latest of the latest, in innovation and technology, and, today, we bring something wonderful, apart it gives much little pleasure, when it is also Spanish. So we bring a Spanish invention, it is still a prototype; but, in the future, it will make blind people can move, independent, and can locate objects, Right?. In order that you understand it, the system is called "Eyesynth" and it works very much similar to what would be the way of guided bats, Right?. With a viewer, it locates the objects, which turns into a sound, that goes through the cochlear system; ie, it goes through the head bone, and this makes you can get an idea of the size of the object, the distance that it is, even the form that it has, Right?”.
Pablo Motos (The presenter of the programme "El Hormiguero"): “I have seen, with this prototype, --now, we will see a demo and we will see some things, Right?-- , a total blind going through the forest, locating trees, untouched and, if he wanted, touching trees”
Marron: “It is truly wonderful. In order that you all understand it, first we are going to make a simulation, Right?, and for it, is going into one of its inventors, who is Antonio, please a big hand for Antonio ......... Antonio Quesada ... And I think .... I would like to try it Oscar, directly, if you are on right ...”
Pablo Motos: “Try it a little bit how works the……”
Marron: “Look: we are going to put this viewer on you……”
Pablo: “I think these glasses are the complement that you need .......”
Marron: “Right?. Now, what you are seeing is a simulation, three-dimensional, in a room, Right?, and they are going to put you different objects ... look .......... Do you see it?, he has put you a sphere .........”
Antonio: “Make the gesture of no……, sweep with the head….., very well……go sweeping…..The sound is soft, it is a round sound, as I say, Right? .... If we put a cube now ....... it is much harder”
Pablo Motos: “Turn to one side and to the other one......”
Marron: “Suddenly, it cuts in the edges ...... and the sound is harder, as he said before”
Pablo Motos: “I mean, this is what he is listening ........”
Antonio: “Exactly .... Depending on the form, that he has before, the sound is softer or harder, Right? .... And, then, we have another, which is a mixture: it comes suddenly, but it is changing, according you are turning ....”
Pablo Motos: “It is fine, as a proof….. He has stayed flipped, he has stayed blocked himself…., let's take off his glasses ..... I want one for me, I want one for me ............... We are going to see the prototype, we are going to see a real experience, with a real blind, a total blind”
Marron: “Please, come into our dear friend Pablo (Paul) .... go ahead, a big hand for him .......... Pablo Cantero….. How are you, Paul ?, here is the chair to get comfortable ...., perfect .... I am going to tell you, a little bit, the story of Paul: Paul became blind when he was eleven; but, instead of becoming discouraged ......”
Pablo Motos: “What happened with you?, Why you were…….?”
Pablo Cantero: “Well, I had a brain tumor, that was detected late, it pressed the optic nerve and I stopped seeing from one day to the next, and I had to adjust my life as a seer to blind, in a matter of hours ....”
Pablo Motos: “A total blind, in a matter of hours………But you did not come down absolutely….”
Pablo Cantero: “Nothing, no ..., I, with my family, my friends, the ONCE too, well, .... all necessary support and then, the desire to continue growing .....”
Marron: “Of course; but it is not absolutely a little bit, because he studies Psychology and apart of it, he is Paralympics athlete of 100 metres and long jump ..; in fact, we have some images .......”
Pablo Motos: “Let's see the video, a moment, because you have to explain me one thing, Pablo; here, you are running to the nothing……”
Pablo Cantero: “Yes…it is the long jump. There, I am not caught with anybody ... I am guided by a person, who is yelling at me, to go I oriented to him ..... that is ...and nothing ....., I jump, when he tells me, and nothing, to space; but, I am trusting that I will fall in a soft ground”
Pablo Motos: “Already, already, already….. ..; but you maybe have had some knocks as some pianos .....”
Pablo Cantero: “Sometimes, yes ... sometimes, you go and you fall on hard and, then, to sit down on somewhere, is more complicated ....”
Pablo Motos: “And have you ever gone to whom was shouting you and you has run him over?”
Pablo Cantero: “Sometimes, I have listened a child, in the stands, and I have gone to him: Hey, do not shout ....!"
Pablo Motos: “And how do you make the races?”
Pablo Cantero: “Races with a guide; but, he goes on my side, we are taken through a rope and he goes like a mirror with me, we need to coordinate, ourselves,……. many hours of training ...”
Pablo Motos: “We are watching there….., we are seeing you the two…”
Pablo Cantero: “In addition, he has to be coordinated with me, and ,there, we are winning medals .....”
Pablo Motos: “And the mate has to be good, because if it is not a good athlete .......”
Pablo Cantero: “Of course, of course, at the end, he has also to come to train with me and hold my series and my training”
Pablo Motos: “It is fabulous your willpower and I think that this will change a bit the possibilities, because, here, in front of the table, there are some objects and, if you find it right, we are going to do a test .....”
Antonio: “First, put on you the headphones, if you want…..the headphones….”
Marron: “The cochlear system, that,we said……..”
Pablo Cantero: “That is ..., so I do not cover my ear and I can listen to you, while I listen to what they tell me, in the glasses .....”
Pablo Motos: “Through the bone, it listen the sound, that you have listened”
Marron: “And it leaves the ear free, to listen people”
Pablo Cantero: “Then, I will also can use it, in the future, on the slopes, so I will not need to be guided, by someone, and not running over children, that, anytime…….”
Pablo Motos: “How many objects would you say that there are on the table?; I remind you that Pablo is totally blind”
Marron: “Look, there we are seeing a little bit ....”
Pablo Motos: “This is what, more or less ....”
Marron: “He would be receiveing….”
Pablo Motos: “He would be receiveing……., through th sound”
Pablo Cantero: “I listen, I listen three waves, that reach to me by the cameras .... I listen it here; then, I count three objects, on the table, with different heights”
Pablo Motos: “There are three”
Pablo Cantero: “That is so”
Pablo Motos: “I would like that you took the plant”
Pablo Cantero: “Here you have it….”
Pablo Motos: “Very well…….”
Pablo Cantero: “Also, I remember the first time, that I took something ..., of course, now I pass it to you, without touching it, and now it is normal that a blind, when he is in front of a table, he controls for the plate, such; but that of observing, without touching it, is incredible, as before said Marron, about bat: that I, without seeing no see, I am learning to fly, and this is incredible with the glasses ....”
Pablo Motos: “What at beautiful phrase that pretty .......... Very nice phrase; but you will not confuse me, because I ......”
Pablo Cantero: “While you are talking to me, I am listening to you”
Pablo Motos: “Miss, Miss: Can you repeat the question: I want the cup, the cup ..... it is somewhere on the table ....”
Pablo Cantero: “Yes, I see that there ........ I am localizing ....... I am comparing the heights ..... because I have well localized the objects .......That is……..”
Pablo Motos: “There, we are…..”
Pablo Cantero: “This, I think that breakfast milk fits inside it, Right?”
Pablo Motos: “Yes, this is very rich, this is great .... Pablo, could you pass me the plate, please?, the thing is that I need to do a thing, with a plate ............... How quickly and well ....!”
Pablo Motos: “Very well ...... Hey, bravo, Antonio, and thanks for this invention, that will change the lives of a lot of people, and Pablo, the thing is ...that it is a pleasure to be with you ...., you are a tick..... thanks ..... Loud applause .....”
Well, I hope that you have liked this news.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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