Today I should like to talk to you about a very important problem in Spain: the skin cancer. But I do not want to talk about the problem, but the solution, that is being increasingly effective.

A melanoma
In Spain, each year, they are detected about 5,000 new cases of melanoma, one of the tumors, whose incidence has increased, faster, in recent years; but it has also seen improved survival thanks, among other things, the emergence of new treatments. In fact, currently 92% are still alive, 5 years after diagnosis.
This follows from the data, provided by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), on the occasion of the World Day of Melanoma, held on May 23, which actually show a survival gain of 10%, in 40 years, since in 70th was 82%, to five years.
This increase, according to this scientific society, is due, in localized disease, to a greater public awareness of the risk of sun exposure and use of sunscreens factors, outreach campaigns, reporting that suspicious skin lesions require evaluation, by a dermatologist , advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques, and the multidisciplinary approach. "Today, early detection is critical, because it is the only real possibility of curing this disease", SEOM has stressed, in a statement.
In addition, in advanced disease, it is due to increased knowledge of molecular genetic alterations, leading to changes in intracellular signaling pathways, and the development of anti-target drugs and empowerment of immunotherapy, as a therapeutic strategy.
Well, I hope that these researchers follow researching, to put an end this problem.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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