Another spanish saying and proverb 68
Friday, May 27, 2016 @ 6:51 PM
Today, I should like to talk to you about a famous Spanish saying, based in an old game by children. The saying is named: “Al tira y afloja” = Tug of war.
With this adverbial clause, is indicated the convenience to proceed, as it were (business, treatment, operation, etc.) with skill and prudence, ie, alternating the rigor with smoothness and brio with temperance. In short, the same but the other way around, which is made or was made, at that game by children –the "tug of war"-- , whose plot consisted precisely in doing the opposite of what was indicated by the director of the game: If you loosen , stretch; if you stretch, loosen. For example, it is seen in the phrase: There, we both were with the tug of war two, for more than half an hour, until the end, bored, we came to marry the differences.

Some children playing "Tug of war"
Well, I hope that you have liked this saying.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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