Today I would like to talk to you about a very important Spanish production, for our economy and for our own consumption. It is the production of various vegetables, by a spanish company, located in the East: the company ALVALLE.
I bring you a video, in which is very well explained the process of production.If you want to watch this video, please click on the link below:
Below the image, you can read: Alvalle. Spain Food Award.
Voice in off: “This is the origin of all industrial process of Alvalle ...: tomatoes grown in these gardens, mostly in Murcia, all in East, at a maximum distance of 200 km from the factory; so that both tomatoes and cucumbers, peppers, onions, garlic ..., all vegetables are harvested and can begin processing, within a maximum of three hours. The company has agreed, with farmers, the right time of collection”
Rosario Sáez (Responsible shopping for fruits and vegetables): “We buy it ripe, ripe, directly from the field; thus, it comes here, with this red coloration to the plant; and so is the quality and taste of the product ... that is the secret”
Voice in off: “And together with vegetables, aromatic herbs and other basic ingredient ....”
Rosario Sáez: “The oil, that we buy, is an Extra Virgin olive oil, with designation of origin ... ,it comes from Jaén and has a very special flavour profile, for our gazpacho”
Voice in off: “In high season, every week, here comes more than half a million of fresh vegetables; the first step is to wash them .... It comes time to cook; It is an industrial process, but the essence is the same as the traditional making, so that the ingredients are ground and mixed, following the recipe chosen for each product”
Gerardo García (Planning Manager): “After a year, we are manufacturing twenty-seven thousand litres of gazpacho .... As of today, the 50 percent of our products is intended for export to countries like France, UK, Portugal and Belgium”
Voice in off: “In this factory, seventy people work, who are involved in an exclusive tastings system”
Isabel del Cerro (Quality manager): “People from different areas of the company, come and look at the product, like it should be looked by the person, who should buy it on a surface (shop). We taste the gazpacho, to see which is how we like quality, as consumers would like”
Voice in off: “The whole process is based on the Principle of circular economy: reuse to save”
Andres Mora (Responsible Safety and Environment): “In the last ten years, we have reduced specific water consumption, ie litres of water per litre of gazpacho produced, by 60 percent, and the same on energy”
Voice in off: “97 percent of the residues is reused; for example, leftovers, scraps, they also have a destination”
Andres Mora: “The residue, that you just saw, vegetable residue, for example going to feed cattle”
Voice in off: “Innovation in a company about to turn forty years”
Gerardo García: “Alvalle was founded, in 1987, by a group of local Engineers from Murcia. A famous phrase, that the founder of Alvalle said, is that "Actually, in this plant, we manufacture time, which is the time saved, at home, to make the best gazpacho"”
Voice in off: “The effort to innovate in such a traditional product, the use of local raw materials and dissemination of the values of the Mediterranean Diet have made them worthy of the prize "Food of Spain 2015 to the foodstuff Industry"”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video and want to taste the “Gazpacho Alvalle”. But, in case you have just tasted it, please tell me your experience.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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