Today I would like to show you the properties of some fishes in Spain. To do this, you have to watch a video; if you want to watch the video, please click on the link below:
Koldo Arrastia (Presenter of Aquí la tierra): “Miiikeeeee!”
Miguel Sanchez (Fishmonger): “Man….Koldo”
Koldo: “Those hands of sardines .....”
Miguel: “How are you?”
Koldo: “I am here….”
Miguel: “How about all ... right?”
Koldo: “Very well ... I come to buy fish, but not for me, nice; I come to your fishery, to buy fish for the whole neighborhood”
Miguel: “For the whole neighborhood”
Koldo: “For the whole neighborhood, What it seems to you?.... Look: I have a friend who told me ....; he is taking the driving license, he wants to pass a public examinations..... , he has the brain done a little brain bit fosfatine”
Miguel: “Well, I will recommend seafood to your friend .... it comes in handy, which has a lot of calcium, it has phosphorus ... it is so good for studies”
Koldo: “He is unemployed…..”
Miguel: “He is unemployed…, then mussels, mussels….”
Koldo: “Go for it….”
Miguel: “This is the cheaper that you can eat .... and it is one of the healthiest products that exist ....; it has a lot of phosphorus,it also has a lot of iron ...., it comes handy for all, especially for people who are studying”
Koldo: “Ie, we are talking about intelligence and memory .., with mussel ..... I have a colleague, in the neighborhood, who has registered the gym ... this month ...., next one he is going to deregister....”
Miguel: “For those, who are bodybuilders, we are going to give them a little bit of tuna. This is the red tuna .....,which is a fish that has a lot of mass and fills you; you eat it, it fills you, it takes off your hunger and, however, you do not stout ....; .. to get muscle mass, as they are pure proteins, it comes great”
Koldo: “I have a friend a little bit......, who is a little bit depressed”
Miguel: “Depressed…”
Koldo: “Yes”
Miguel: “But the same thing, we can also give him tuna, which has much tryptophan”
Koldo: “That makes you a little bit happier. Right?”
Miguel: “Yes”
Koldo: “I have another friend, who has started the typical diet”
Miguel: “Diet…For diet…..”
Koldo: “One or two fishes…”
Miguel: “Any fish……For diet: turbot, which can be done grilled, it is a white fish; all white fishes are good for diet, because you do not stout with them”
Koldo: “My friend Herminia, she is almost eighty years ... she tells me the bones ... that it it hard for her ... , when the lift is broken, she feels bad –she and I also do—“
Miguel: “As for the issue of the bones, we are going to give you more things, there are a lot of them. Look, for example squid, that have a lot of calcium; another very good thing, for the issue of natural calcium, is to take anchovies, but whole, ie, cleaned and removed only belly, eat the whole spine ....”
Koldo: “Because it has a lot of calcium”
Miguel: “And it is natural calcium….”
Koldo: “Jose Mari, my neighbor, says he does not sleep well ....”
Miguel: “But, look…, for Jose Mari…..”
Koldo: “I do not know if she wife snores, or not, but he says he does not sleep well”
Miguel: “Look, we are going to give him, just in case, apart from some earmuffs, just in case the woman ...., we give him another bluefish: frigate tuna, for example, that also has tryptophan and this helps you to relax yourself”
Koldo: “To relax a little bit yourself”
Miguel: “For relax and for sleeping, it comes handy……”
Koldo: “Antonio José, from my neighborhood, has cholesterol”
Miguel: “He has cholesterol…, Blue fish, the same: tuna, salmon ...., all this has much Omega3 and it helps you to regulate it ...”
Koldo: “For me, the diet, that I like more, is this one, colleague, the diet of.....”
Miguel: “Cornet…”
Koldo: “Cornet……. Take out conclusions at your home .... We carry the whole fish store”
Well, I hope that you have liked this video and hope that you have learned a lot with it.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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