Today, I would like to show you a saying, that I did not know, but I have liked when I have read it.
This is the saying: Ama a quien no te ama y responde a quien no te llama (Love who does not love you and answer who does not call you). This saying appears in the book "Diálogo de la lengua" (“Dialogue of the language”), by Juan Valdés.

Title page of the manuscript of "Dialogue of the language"
Juan Valdés was a Spanish humanist, who wrote this work, in Naples, in 1535, although it was published in 1736.
The great innovation of this book is to put the Spanish language to the level of other languages of prestige, especially from Latin. In the book, it is done a defence of the study of texts, in the original languages, in line with the Renaissance classicism moment. However, it is done giving entity Romance languages, especially which is used by Juan de Valdés: the Spanish.
The Valdes's work is structured as a dialogue, because humanists defended this sort as a teaching vehicle. In this dialogue, Valdes himself answered questions that three Italian partners make him, on the peculiarities of the Spanish language. It is a key work to understand the literary and linguistic ideal by Erasmo: plausibility, in the narrative; simplicity and precision, in style, and imitation of the spoken language. The many observations, made over work, is a valuable document, on the middle of the Spanish Golden Age, particularly the sixteenth century, showing the criteria and sensitivity of learned speakers.
Well, I hope that you have liked this article.
Until my next post, kind regards,
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